معاهدة باريس بين إيطاليا والحلفاء

(تم التحويل من Treaty of Peace with Italy, 1947)

قالب:Expand Italian

Treaty of Paris (Italy)
France-Italy Boundary after the Treaty of Peace
التوقيع10 February 1947
المكانParis, France
الموقعونإيطاليا Italy
فرنسا France
مملكة اليونان Greece
يوغوسلاڤيا Yugoslavia
ألبانيا Albania
الولايات المتحدة United States
المملكة المتحدة United Kingdom
الاتحاد السوڤيتي Soviet Union
المودع لديهFrench Government
اللغاتFrench (primary), English, Italian

The Treaty of Paris between Italy and the Allied Powers was signed on 10 February 1947, formally ending hostilities between both parties. It came into general effect on 15 September 1947.[1]

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التغييرات الحدودية

Changes to the Italian eastern border from 1920 to 1975.
  The Austrian Littoral, later renamed Julian March, which was assigned to Italy in 1920 with the Treaty of Rapallo (with adjustments of its border in 1924 after the Treaty of Rome) and which was then ceded to Yugoslavia in 1947 with the Treaty of Paris
  Areas annexed to Italy in 1920 and remained Italian even after 1947
  Areas annexed to Italy in 1920, passed to the Free Territory of Trieste in 1947 with the Paris treaties and definitively assigned to Italy in 1975 with the Treaty of Osimo
  Areas annexed to Italy in 1920, passed to the Free Territory of Trieste in 1947 with the Paris treaties and definitively assigned to Yugoslavia in 1975 with the Osimo treaty

Italian Somaliland was under British administration until 1949 when it became a United Nations Trust Territory under Italian administration. أرض الصومال الإيطالي اجتمع مع أرض الصومال البريطاني في 1 يوليو 1960 وكلتاهما معاً أصبحتا الجمهورية الصومالية.


Italy was obliged to pay the following war reparations (article 74):

$125,000,000 US to Yugoslavia
$105,000,000 US to Greece
$100,000,000 US to the Soviet Union
$25,000,000 US to Ethiopia
$5,000,000 US to Albania

The amounts were valued in the US dollar at its gold parity on 1 July 1946 ($35 for one ounce of gold). The reparations were to be paid in goods and services over a seven-year period.

Military clauses

Articles 47 and 48 called for the demolition of all permanent fortifications along the Franco-Italian and Yugoslav-Italian frontier. Italy was banned from possessing, building or experimenting with atomic weapons, guided missiles, guns with a range of over 30 km, non-contact naval mines and torpedoes as well as manned torpedoes (article 51).

The military of Italy was limited in size. Italy was allowed a maximum of 200 heavy and medium tanks (article 54). Former officers and non-commissioned officers of the Blackshirts and the National Republican Army were barred from becoming officers or non-commissioned officers in the Italian military (except those exonerated by the Italian courts, article 55).

The Italian navy was reduced. Some warships were awarded to the governments of the Soviet Union, the United States, the United Kingdom and France (articles 56 and 57). Italy was ordered to scuttle all its submarines (article 58) and was banned from acquiring new battleships, submarines and aircraft carriers (article 59). The navy was limited to a maximum force of 25,000 personnel (article 60). The Italian army was limited to a size of 185,000 personnel plus 65,000 Carabinieri for a maximum total of 250,000 personnel (article 61). The Italian air force was limited to 200 fighters and reconnaissance aircraft plus 150 transport, air-rescue, training and liaison aircraft and was banned from owning and operating bomber aircraft (article 64). The number of air force personnel was limited to 25,000 (article 65). Most of the military restrictions were lifted upon Italy becoming a founding member of NATO in 1949.

Political clauses

Article 17 of the treaty banned fascist organisations ("whether political, military, or semi-military") in Italy.


A subsequent annex to the treaty provided for the cultural autonomy of the German minority in South Tyrol.

العلاقات التركية-اليونانية

المادة 14 في المعاهدة أعطت الجزر الإيطالية في بحر إيجة لليونان، كما نصت على أنهم "سيكونوا ويبقوا منزوعي السلاح".

تركيا هي الطرف الثالث المقصود للانتفاع بمعاهدة نزع السلاح حسب القانون (معاهدة ڤيينا لقانون المعاهدات، الفقرة 36(2)). تركيا لم ترد أن توقـّع على أي معاهدة تتنازل عن رودس لليونان ولكنها طالبت بنزع سلاح الجزر الأناضولية.

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Grant, John P.; J. Craig Barker, eds. (2006). International Criminal Law Deskbook. Routledge: Cavendish Publishing. p. 130. ISBN 9781859419793.
  2. ^ United Nations Treaty Series 1956; No. 3297.

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