يوديد الألومنيوم

يوديد ألمنيوم Aluminium iodide مركب كيميائي له الصيغة AlI3 ، ويكون على شكل بلورات عديمة اللون. [3] or the action of HI on Al metal. The hexahydrate is obtained from a reaction between metallic aluminum or aluminum hydroxide with hydrogen iodide or hydroiodic acid. Like the related chloride and bromide, AlI 3 is a strong Lewis acid and will absorb water from the atmosphere. It is employed as a reagent for the scission of certain kinds of C-O and N-O bonds. It cleaves aryl ethers and deoxygenates epoxides.[4]

يوديد الألومنيوم
Ball and stick model of aluminium iodide dimer
Jodid hlinitý.PNG
اسم أيوپاك المفضل
Aluminium iodine
أسماء أخرى
Aluminium(III) iodide

Aluminum iodide
Aluminium triiodide

Aluminum triiodide
رقم CAS
3D model (JSmol)
ECHA InfoCard 100.029.140 Edit this at Wikidata
رقم EC
  • 232-054-8
UN number UN 3260
InChI InChI={{{value}}}
الصيغة الجزيئية AlI3, AlI3·6H2O (hexahydrate)
كتلة مولية 407.695 g/mol (anhydrous)
515.786 g/mol (hexahydrate)[1]
المظهر white (anhydrous) or yellow powder (hexahydrate)[1]
الكثافة 3.98 g/cm3 (anhydrous)[1] 2.63 g/cm3 (hexahydrate)[2]
نقطة الانصهار
نقطة الغليان
قابلية الذوبان في الماء very soluble, partial hydrolysis
قابلية الذوبان في alcohol, ether soluble (hexahydrate)
البنية البلورية Monoclinic, mP16
الزمرة الفراغية P21/c, No. 14
ثابت العقد a = 1.1958 nm, b = 0.6128 nm, c = 1.8307 nm
ثابت العقد α = 90°, β = 90°, γ = 90°
الكيمياء الحرارية
الإنتالپية المعيارية
-302.9 kJ/mol
Standard molar
195.9 J/(mol·K)
سعة الحرارة النوعية، C 98.7 J/(mol·K)
ما لم يُذكر غير ذلك، البيانات المعطاة للمواد في حالاتهم العيارية (عند 25 °س [77 °ف]، 100 kPa).
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مراجع الجدول

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Solid AlI 3 is dimeric, consisting of Al 2I 6, similar to that of AlBr 3.[5] The structure of monomeric and dimeric forms have been characterized in the gas phase.[6] The monomer, AlI 3, is trigonal planar with a bond length of 2.448(6) Å, and the bridged dimer, Al 2I 6, at 430 K is a similar to Al 2Cl 6 and Al 2Br 6 with Al−I bond lengths of 2.456(6) Å (terminal) and 2.670(8) Å (bridging). The dimer is described as floppy with an equilibrium geometry of D2h.

يوديد الألومنيوم الأحادي

Experiment showing a direct synthesis of aluminum iodide. Few drops of water are added to a homogenised mixture of aluminum powder and powdered iodine. After short time (an induction period) a vigorous reaction occurs followed by emission of intense colored vapors. The purple vapours are due to evaporation of iodine as a consequence of increased temperature of the system, and the brown ones are probably due to smoke of an adduct of the reaction product with excess of iodine. The exergonic reaction 2Al(s) + 3I
(s) → 2AlI
is at the origin of the phenomenon observed.

The name "aluminium iodide" is widely assumed to describe the triiodide or its dimer. In fact, a monoiodide also enjoys a role in the Al–I system, although the compound AlI is unstable at room temperature relative to the triiodide:[7]


An illustrative derivative of aluminium monoiodide is the cyclic adduct formed with triethylamine, Al 4I 4(NEt 3) 4.


  1. ^ أ ب ت Haynes, William M., ed. (2011). CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (92nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. p. 4.45. ISBN 1439855110.
  2. ^ Perry, Dale L. (19 April 2016). Handbook of Inorganic Compounds, Second Edition. CRC Press. p. 8. ISBN 978-1-4398-1462-8.
  3. ^ Watt, George W; Hall, James L; Taylor, William Lloyd; Kleinberg, Jacob (1953). "Aluminum Iodide". Inorganic Syntheses. Inorganic Syntheses. Vol. 4. pp. 117–119. doi:10.1002/9780470132357.ch39. ISBN 9780470132357.
  4. ^ Gugelchuk, M. (2004). "Aluminum Iodide". In L. Paquette (ed.). Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis. New York: J. Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/047084289X.ra083. ISBN 0471936235.
  5. ^ Troyanov, Sergey I.; Krahl, Thoralf; Kemnitz, Erhard (2004). "Crystal structures of GaX3(X= Cl, Br, I) and AlI3". Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. 219 (2–2004): 88–92. doi:10.1524/zkri. S2CID 101603507.
  6. ^ Hargittai, Magdolna; Réffy, Balázs; Kolonits, Mária (2006). "An Intricate Molecule: Aluminum Triiodide. Molecular Structure of AlI3and Al2I6 from Electron Diffraction and Computation". The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 110 (10): 3770–3777. doi:10.1021/jp056498e. PMID 16526661.
  7. ^ Dohmeier, C.; Loos, D.; Schnöckel, H. (1996). "Aluminum(I) and Gallium(I) Compounds: Syntheses, Structures, and Reactions". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 35 (2): 129–149. doi:10.1002/anie.199601291.

وصلات خارجية

LiI BeI2 BI3 CI4 NI3 I2O4, I2O5, I4O9 IF, IF3, IF5, IF7 Ne
NaI MgI2 AlI3 SiI4 PI3, P2I4 S ICl, ICl3 Ar
KI CaI2 Sc TiI4 VI3 Cr MnI2 Fe CoI2 NiI2 CuI ZnI2 Ga2I6 GeI2, GeI4 AsI3 Se IBr Kr
RbI SrI2 Y ZrI4 Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd AgI CdI2 InI3 SnI4, SnI2 SbI3 TeI4 I Xe
CsI BaI2   Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt AuI Hg2I2, HgI2 TlI PbI2 Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra   Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
La Ce Pr Nd Pm SmI2 Eu Gd TbI3 Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac ThI4 Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
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