
(تم التحويل من كوانگ‌ميونگ‌يونگ-2)

كوانگ‌ميونگ‌يونگ-2 (هانگول: 광명성 2호، هانجا: 光明星 2號، وتعني النجم الساطع-2[1] أو النجم القطبي-2)[2] ، هو ساتل أطلقته كوريا الشمالية في 5 ابريل 2009. وتبعا لتصريحات حكومة كوريا الشمالية ، فقد أطلق من على حامل الصواريخ اونها-2 يوم الأحد 5 ابريل 2009 في الساعة 11:20 بالتوقيت المحلي من Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground في موسودان-ري في الشمال الشرقي لكوريا الشمالية [3] وقام بتوصيل الساتل بنجاح في المدار الأرضي بعد دقائق من إطلاقه.[4] على الجانب الآخر فقد أذيع رسميا في كلا من كوريا الجنوبية والولايات المتحدة عن سقوط الحمولة في مياه المحيط الهادي.[5][6] واتفقت معهما وكالة الفضاء الروسية معلقة بقولها: "ببساطة لا وجود للساتل".[7]

Nk rocket launch 5apr09.JPG
YTN news report on the launch
تاريخ الاقلاع5 أبريل 2009, 02:20:00 UTC
الصاروخ الحاملاونها-2
موقع الإطلاقتونگ‌هاي

وعقب إطلاق الساتل، ظهرت ردود فعل قلقة من جانب دول أخرى، لاسيما الولايات المتحدة واليابان وكوريا الجنوبية ،والتي فسرت الإطلاق على أنه تجربة تقنية يمكن أن تستخدم فيما بعد لإطلاق صواريخ بالستية عابرة للقارات.[8]

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إعلان ما قبل الإطلاق

Danger zones one and two reported to ICAO (approximate areas in red on left and right)

ردود الفعل الدولية

تفاصيل الإطلاق


ردود الفعل الدولية بعد الإطلاق

أعضاء المحادثات السداسية

  •   كوريا الجنوبية Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan stated that "The North's launch is a provocative act that clearly violates United Nations Security Council [Resolution] 1718 that regardless of the North's claims threatens peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and Northeast Asia."[9]
  •   اليابانPrime Minister Taro Aso stated that "the fact that North Korea went ahead with the launch despite repeated warnings from around the world, especially the United States, South Korea and Japan, was an extremely provocative act and one that Japan cannot let go unchallenged. So, cooperating with the international community, we want to respond (considering that) it was clearly a violation of the U.N. resolutions."[9]
  •   الصينForeign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu stated "We hope related parties stay calm and exercise restraint, appropriately deal with it and together maintain peace and stability in this region. The Chinese side is willing to continue to play a constructive role."[9]
  •   روسيا – A Foreign Ministry spokesman said, "We are checking whether this (launch) is not a violation of certain resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and call on all sides to refrain from actions that could lead to escalation of tensions on the Korean peninsula."[9]
  •   الولايات المتحدةPresident Barack Obama stated "North Korea's development and proliferation of ballistic missile technology pose a threat to the northeast Asian region and to international peace and security. With this provocative act, North Korea has ignored its international obligations, rejected unequivocal calls for restraint, and further isolated itself from the community of nations."[9]

المنظمات الدولية

بلدان أخرى

  •   كنداCanadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon stated that "Canada is very concerned by North Korea's decision to launch a long-range rocket. This ill-advised action undermines confidence in North Korea's commitment to peace and security. Canada calls upon North Korea to comply fully with the requirements of UNSCR 1718 and suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program."[13]
  •   الهند – A spokesman from the External Affairs Ministry described the launch as having a "destablising effect" in the "volatile region" and hoped that the response would be "restrained and proportionate". Any decision should be taken by the UN.[14]
  •   إندونيسيا - Foreign Ministry spokesman Teuku Faizasyah was concerned over the launch, adding that it has "increased the risk of tension although it still has to be verified whether it was a satellite or a missile. Our main concern is North Korea's launch has gone against the nuclear disarmament spirit in East Asia." He also stated that suspicions would continue until the relevant parties meet and negotiate.[15]
  •   إيران – An official from the Foreign Ministry defended the launch, saying that every nation had the right to the peaceful use of space technology. The spokesman also denied any cooperation with North Korea in the launch.[16]
  •   نيوزيلنداForeign Minister Murray McCully said the test was "reckless" and did not help peace and stability in the region. McCully also stated that it was a "backwards step" for North Korea, and urged the country to focus on meeting the agreements made during the six-party talks as it was in its interests to do so.[18]
  •   سنغافورة – A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry stated it was "deeply concerned" at the launch, and urged all parties to exercise restraint and reduce tensions through dialogue.[19][20]
  •    سويسرا – The Swiss Foreign Ministry condemned the incident, saying that it violated United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, but also called for "all parties to refrain from any action that could aggravate the situation" and for "dialogue and moderation to be given priority".[21]
  •   تركيا - A statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed concern at the recent action. "We support efforts, in particular by the UN Security Council, to have the international community embrace a joint stance on this issue. We want the related parties to avoid steps that will not contribute to ongoing goodwill efforts for maintaining regional peace and stability."[22]
  •   ڤنزويلا – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in an interview in Tokyo that due to the "lack of information, and contradictory information ... I prefer to have a great deal of prudence as the Russian government has said".[24]
  •   ڤيتنام – Vietnam paid close attention to North Korea's launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong-2 into orbit. "We hope related parties respond with caution and appropriately deal with the move, so as not to exacerbate the situation further to affect peace and stability in Northeast Asia", spokesman Le Dung said.[25]

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انظر أيضا


  1. ^ Jong-Heon, Lee (February 26, 2009). "N. Korean missiles unnerve". The Washington Times. p. 2. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  2. ^ "Defying World, North Koreans Launch Rocket". New York Times. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  3. ^ "TEXT-N.Korea says it successfully launched satellite | Reuters". Uk.reuters.com. 2009-02-09. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  4. ^ North Korea launches rocket, sparks international criticism, CNN, April 5, 2009 (archive at: http://www.webcitation.org/5foWbC01a )
  5. ^ North Korea space launch 'fails', BBC News, 5 April, 2009
  6. ^ "NORAD and USNORTHCOM monitor North Korean launch". United States Northern Command. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  7. ^ "Russian space control: DPRK satellite not placed in orbit". Xinhua News Agency. 2009-04-06. Retrieved 2009-04-06. {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |1= (help)
  8. ^ "Japan OKs deployment of missile defense system". Associated Press. 2009-03-29. Retrieved 2009-03-29.
  9. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ "World reaction to North Korea rocket launch". Reuters. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  10. ^ US, EU condemn N Korea’s missile launch, Sify, April 5, 2009
  11. ^ NATO: Statement on North Korea by the NATO Secretary General. Published April 5, 2009
  12. ^ "Rudd calls missile launch 'reckless'". The Age. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  13. ^ "North Korea rocket launch sparks outrage". CTV. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  14. ^ India says NKorean test has destabilising potential, Samaylive, April 6, 2009
  15. ^ RI concerned with North Korea `satellite' launch, Jakarta Post, April 6, 2009
  16. ^ Iran defends N Korea's rocket launch, NDTV Arabia, April 6, 2009
  17. ^ "Le prime reazioni nel mondo" (in Italian). ANSA. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  18. ^ "NZ condemns North Korea missile launch". TVNZ. 2009-04-06. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  19. ^ "The missile controversy". ModernGhana. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  20. ^ "Singapore Foreign Ministry concerned over North Korean rocket launch". Channel News Asia. 2009-04-06. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  21. ^ "Swiss condemn North Korean rocket launch". swissinfo. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-06.
  22. ^ Ankara voices concern over N. Korea’s move, Today's Zaman, April 6, 2009
  23. ^ "Gov't 'strongly' condemns N.Korea rocket launch". AFP. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  24. ^ "Chavez Sides With Russia On North Korea Rocket Launch". Fox News. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.
  25. ^ "Vietnam attentive to DPRK's satellite launch". Vietnam News Agency. 2009-04-05. Retrieved 2009-04-05.