
This template shows measurement quantities as primary and converted secondary units (or ranges), with optional rounding, wikilinks, abbreviation, or US spellings, and various separators including:  parentheses "( )", "or", hyphens, comma, "to" or dashes. The can help users by generating correct conversions from one unit of measurement to another, particularly for more complex units. It's also useful by making the text adhere to the Manual of Style. The text the template generates does not differ from a plain text equivalent, however.

الأنماط تضم: المسافة "32 metres (105 ft)" و "32 metres or 105 feet"؛ درجة الحرارة "18 °C (64 °F)"؛ الكتلة "55.0 kg (121.3 lb)" or "65 to 80 kg (143 to 176 lb)"؛ إلخ. للوحدات، انظر: Convert/list of units.

Options include:  lk=in, abbr=on, abbr=off, sp=us, adj=on, adj=mid, disp=x, disp=table and sortable=on (explained below). By default, output is rounded to match the precision of input; alternatives include: sigfig=3 or using the end parameter, such as "|1" to show tenths or "|-2" to show full 100's, etc.

قيمة مفردة:


Range of 2 values, or set of 3 or 4 (see below for list of range options):

{{convert|val1|range|val2 |in_unit|out_unit|round_to|...}}
{{convert/3 |val1|range|val2|words|val3|in_unit|out_unit|round_to|...}}
{{convert/4 |val1|words|val2|words|val3|words|val4|in_unit|out_unit|...}}
  • Numbers must be entered in unformatted form (without commas). Values output by the template will be displayed formatted and with a true minus sign where appropriate. To specify with commas, re-code a number as {{formatnum:9,000,500|R}} (becomes 9000500).
  • Optional parameters, in examples below, allow abbreviated units (abbr=on), or U.S. spellings (sp=us for meter), or hyphenation (adj=on), etc.
  • This template may in some cases directly convert to other base units, for example {{convert|29.8|km/s|mi/h}} will directly convert the km/s to mph, as in 29.8 km/s (67,000 mph).
  • For this template many levels of substitution are possible, hence doing this fully, step by step, is cumbersome. Use Special:ExpandTemplates instead.
  • The template has very limited in-built capacity for dimensional analysis. It is therefore up to the user to ensure that most input and output units are compatible. Do not, for example, attempt to convert barrels to tonnes (but see {{bbl to t}}). Also beware of units with similar names; the code oz, for example, is for the avoirdupois ounce (a unit of mass), do not use this if you want fluid ounces. Note also that the code lb gives pounds mass, for pounds force use lbf.
  • An attempt to convert a unit to itself, e.g., km to km, will result in a template loop.
  • The range functionality is not fully implemented for all units, so experimentation may be required.
  • This documentation page tends to lag behind in terms of what the template can do. For details see the talk page and its archives.


قيمة مفردة

المدخل تظهر كالتالي
{{convert|3.21|kg|lb}} 3.21 kilograms (7.1 lb)
{{convert|3.21|kg|lb|0}} 3.21 kilograms (7 lb)
{{convert|10|kg|lb|disp=or}} 10 kilograms or 22 pounds
{{convert|6|ft|5|in|m}} 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 m)
{{convert|10|mi}} 10 miles (16 km)
{{convert|100|mpgus}} 100 miles per US gallon (2.4 L/100 km; 120 mpg‑imp)
{{convert|120|km/h}} 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph)
{{convert|18|°C|°F}} 18 °C (64 °F)
{{convert|1250|sqft|m2|lk=in|sigfig=2}} 1,250 square feet (120 m2)
Note 'lk=in' links only the input unit. This example is for illustration only, common units of measurement should not be linked. See: wp:overlink.
{{convert|20.5|m3|cuyd|lk=out|abbr=on}} 20.5 m3 (26.8 cu yd)
Note 'lk=out' links only the output unit, cu yd.
{{convert|641|acre|ha sqmi|lk=on}} 641 acres (259 ha; 1.002 sq mi)
Note 'lk=on' links all units. Per guidelines, common units should not be linked. See: wp:overlink.
{{convert|641|acre|ha sqmi|2|lk=on}} 641 acres (259.40 ha; 1.00 sq mi)
Although 640 acres equals 1 square mile; 641 acres rounded to two decimal places equals 1.00 sq mi.

Range of 2 values

Note: not yet operational for all units
Input Displays as
{{convert|60|and|170|kg|lb}} 60 and 170 kilograms (130 and 370 lb)
{{convert|60|to|170|kg|lb}} 60 to 170 kilograms (130 to 370 lb)
{{convert|60|to(-)|170|kg|lb}} 60 to 170 kilograms (130–370 lb)
{{convert|60|-|170|kg|lb}} 60–170 kilograms (130–370 lb)
{{convert|41|to|50|F|C}} 41 to 50 °F (5 to 10 °C)
{{convert|41|-|50|F|K}} 41–50 °F (278–283 K)
{{convert|60|x|120|m|ft}} 60 by 120 metres (200 ft × 390 ft)
{{convert|60|+/-|10|m|ft}} 60 ± 10 metres (197 ± 33 ft)
{{convert|19|to|27|L|USgal}} 19 to 27 litres (5.0 to 7.1 US gal)
{{convert|5|to|7|L|USgal}} 5 to 7 litres (1.3 to 1.8 US gal)
{{convert|4|-|9|L|USgal|abbr=off}} 4–9 litres (1.1–2.4 US gallons)

The following conversions are currently not available as a range of values:

  • Some imperial and US gallon-based units
  • Other fuel-consumption units, except "mpg" or "L100km" shown above.
  • Large scale units (e3, e6, e9)
  • Combination-based units (ft&in, st&lb, lb&oz) due to complexity of the conversion.

Range/set of 3 or 4 values

Note: not yet operational for all units
Input Displays as
{{convert/3 |2|x|4|x|6|m|ft}} 2×4×6 metres (6.6×13×20 ft)
{{convert/3 |60|-|70|-|80|kg|lb}} 60–70–80 kilograms (130–150–180 lb)
{{convert/4 |60|-|70|-|80|-|90|kg|lb}} 60–70–80–90 kilograms (130–150–180–200 lb)
{{convert/3 |60|to|80|or|85|m|ft}} 60 to 80 or 85 metres (200 to 260 or 279 ft)
{{convert/3 |11|by|15|rarely|16|ft|m}} 11 by 15 rarely 16 feet (3.4 by 4.6 rarely 4.9 m)
{{convert/3 |41|to|50|to|60|F|C}} 41 to 50 to 60 °F (5 to 10 to 16 °C)
{{convert/4 |2|to|12|, in summer|25|to|36|C|F}} 2 to 12, in summer 25 to 36 °C (36 to 54, in summer 77 to 97 °F)
{{convert/3 |41|-|50|almost|51|F|K}} 41–50 almost 51 °F (278–283 almost 284 K)

For {{convert/3}} or {{convert/4}}, the separator words can be any text.


Use US spelling attach |sp=us
Make units linked attach |lk=on   to link all units (default: lk=off)
attach |lk=in   to link only the input units
attach |lk=out  to link only the output units
(The manual of style suggests that you should not link common units of measurement).
Use the adjective form, or insert mid-text words attach |adj=on (e.g. "190-foot (58 m) bridge" instead of "190 feet...").
This produces the adjective form—the unit name in the singular with a hyphen (according to the Manual of Style).

attach |adj=mid (e.g. "190-foot bridge (58 m)" as: |adj=mid|bridge

or "190-foot-long bridge (58 m)" as: |adj=mid|-long bridge)

Note 1: Any rounding-parameter should follow the mid-text: "text|0".
Note 2: For adj=mid, must specify both input & output unit-codes.

For example, to convert feet, use "ft|m" or "ft|0":
  • {{convert|9|ft|m|adj=mid|-long}} → 9-foot-long (2.7 m)
To default the output unit-code, set parameter 3 to: 0.
Abbreviate units, or not attach |abbr=on to show unit symbols
attach |abbr=off   to show all unit names in full words
attach |abbr=in to abbreviate input units
attach |abbr=out to abbreviate output units
attach |abbr=values to suppress unit names & show only values. So, {{convert|6|mi|abbr=values}} gives: 6 (9.7).
Change "( )" to display other separators attach |disp=comma to put comma, not brackets/parentheses
attach |disp=or to put "or" between units.
The default value is:  disp=b for brackets/parentheses.
Change "( )" to customized separators attach |disp=x| (begin | end) to show "xx (begin yy end)" See example 1
attach |disp=x|; to show "xx; yy" See example 2
attach |disp=x| (same as |) to show "xx (same as yy)". See example 3
Example 1: {{convert|9|km|mi|disp=x| [|]}}9 kilometres [5.6 mi] (note space before [|)
Example 2: {{convert|9|km|mi|disp=x|;}}9 kilometres;5.6 mi
Example 3: {{convert|10|km|mi|disp=x| (about |)}}10 kilometres (about 6.2 mi) (note spaces used within the code).
Display output only attach |disp=output only to show result number & unit
attach |disp=output number only to show just number
Note when using "disp=output only" then the unit name can still be shown as full words by abbr=off or linked by lk=on.
Example: {{convert|7500|acre|m2|disp=output only }} → 30,000,000 m2
Display units inverted as reverse order attach |disp=flip  to reverse the order & show output unit first.
So, {{convert|6|km|disp=flip}} shows "3.7 miles (6 km)".
To get symbol "mi" use abbr=in, to abbreviate the input unit (left-side unit).
Display unit name (only) attach |disp=unit to show the unit name for a symbol
The unit name will be plural when the amount is not 1, or hyphenated when adj=on. So, {{convert|2|cuyd|disp=unit}} shows "cubic yards" plural.
Display amounts as table cells attach |disp=table (or |disp=tablecen) Note: For use in tables, the template must start on a new line after a pipe. Only the number will be displayed unless you set |abbr=on, |lk=on, |lk=in or |lk=out. Example: here
Round to a specified number of significant figures attach |sigfig={some integer greater than zero}. In the case of temperatures Celsius or Fahrenheit this refers to the difference with the absolute-zero temperature. For example, at room temperature two significant digits means rounded to tens of degrees.
Round by 5 attach |disp=5  to round the output amount to the nearest 5 units. Not supported for all options.
Let Convert decide the unit to convert to skip the precision parameter (the 3rd or 4th unnamed parameter) e.g. {{convert|100|km|ft}} gives 100 kilometres (330,000 ft) and {{convert|100|km}} gives 100 kilometres (62 mi).
Display input value with a fraction {{convert|3/8|in|mm|3|abbr=on}} → 38 in (9.525 mm) or {{convert|11+1/4|in|cm|2|abbr=on}} → 11+14 in (28.58 cm)

For negative amounts, use two minus signs (hyphens): -11-1/4.

Generate a hidden sort key for use with a sortable table attach |sortable=on to generate a hidden sort key so that sortable tables will sort correctly. This uses {{ntsh}} to generate a sort key from the first numeric value. It ignores any additional values, ie, if you use 6|ft|2|in as the value, it will only use the 6 for the sort key. This will cause numeric values to sort in numeric order, ie: 5, 10, 15 instead of 10, 15, 5.

Parameters still under construction

Parameters still under construction. May not work in all situations
disp=5[note 1] The output will be rounded to the nearest 5 units. Might not work when linking unit names.
disp=tablecen[note 1] Similar to disp=table except that the values with be centered within the column. See the tables at La Nouvelle branch, BM-21 Grad for in use examples.
abbr=in Abbreviates only the input unit.
abbr=out Abbreviates only the output unit.
disp=br This separates input and output units with a forced line break. This can be useful in tables with limited horizontal space.
disp=sqbr Shows square brackets "[ ]" instead of parentheses "( )" in output. Example: 55 miles [89 km]. This option can be used in direct quotes, to show conversions in editorial brackets. See: attach |disp=x|[|], above, as another way of showing brackets "[ ]".
  1. ^ أ ب This is a limited, temporary option, until an alternative can be implemented.


Convert supports four types of rounding:

Rounding to a given precision
Specify the desired precision with the fourth unnamed parameter (or third unnamed parameter if the "convert to" parameter is omitted; or fifth unnamed parameter if a range is specified; or fourth unnamed parameter again if a range is specified and the "convert to" parameter is omitted; needs to be replaced with a "precision" named parameter). The conversion is rounded off to the nearest power of 110 this number. For instance, if the result is 8621 and the round number is '-2', the result will be 8600. If the result is '234.0283043' and the round number is '0', the result will be 234.
Rounding to a given number of significant figures
Specify the desired number of significant figures using |sigfig={some integer greater than zero} as noted above.
Default rounding
If neither the desired precision nor the desired number of significant figures is specified, the conversion will be rounded either to precision comparable that of the input value (the number of digits after the decimal point—or the negative of the number of non-significant zeroes before the point—is increased by one if the conversion is a multiplication by a number between 0.02 and 0.2, remains the same if the factor is between 0.2 and 2, is decreased by 1 if it is between 2 and 20, and so on) or to two significant figures, whichever is more precise. An exception to this is temperature, wherein the conversion will be rounded either to precision comparable to that of the input value or to that which would give three significant figures when expressed in kelvins, whichever is more precise.
Examples of default rounding
Input Displays as Note
{{convert|550|ft|m|0}} 550 feet (168 m) Approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|550|ft|m}} 550 feet (170 m) Rounds to 170, when approximate value is 167.64 m
{{convert|500|ft|m|0}} 500 feet (152 m) Approximate value is 152.4 m
{{convert|500|ft|m}} 500 feet (150 m) Rounds to 150, when approximate value is 152.4 m

Units supported

القائمة المختصرة للوحدات التي يتعامل معها {{Convert}}
النظام الوحدة كود
الاختصار ملاحظات معامل التحويل توافيق
the system(s) to which the unit belongs units listed by name codes that can be entered when using the template abbreviations as displayed by the template notes which may pertain to the units in general or specifically to their use in this template conversion factors used by the template to convert to and from the SI base unit codes for multiple conversions

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/m combinations
SI مـِگامترre Mm Mm US spelling: megameter
كيلومتر km كم US spelling: kilometer
  • km mi
metre m m US spelling: meter
  • m ft
  • m ftin
centimetre cm cm US spelling: centimeter
  • cm in
ميليمتر mm مم US spelling: millimeter
  • mm in
micrometre μm (um) µm US spelling: micrometer
nanometre nm nm US spelling: nanometer
non-SI metric ångström Å
Å 0٫0000000001
US customary
ميل mi ميل 1٬609٫344
  • mi km
furlong furlong 201٫168
chain chain 20٫1168
rod rd rd For other names of this unit see the full list. 5٫0292
قامة fathom assumes 1 fathom ≡ 6 ft 1٫8288
yard yd yd assumes the international definition 0٫9144
foot ft (foot) ft The foot code will produce foot as the plural form. 0٫3048
  • ft m (foot m)
inch in in 0٫0254
  • in cm
  • in mm
Other nautical mile nmi nmi the international standard nautical mile
For other nautical miles see the full list.
فرسخ فلكي pc pc 30٫856775813057000×1015
سنة ضوئية ly ly 9٫460730472580800×1015
وحدة فلكية AU AU 149٬597٬870٬700

(Full list)
النظام الوحدة الكود
الاختصار هامش معامل التغيير/م² توافيق
SI square kilometre sqkm km² US spelling: square kilometer
  • sqkm sqmi
square metre sqm US spelling: square meter
  • sqm sqft
square centimetre sqcm cm² US spelling: square centimeter
  • sqcm sqin
square millimetre sqmm mm² US spelling: square millimeter
  • sqmm sqin
non-SI metric هكتار ha هك 10٬000
US customary
ميل مربع sqmi ميل² 2٬589٬988٫110336
  • sqmi sqkm
فدان acre acres 4٬046٫856422
square yard sqyd sq yd 0٫83612736
قدم مربع sqft
sq ft The sqfoot code will produce square foot as the plural form. 0٫09290304
  • sqft sqm (sqfoot sqm)
square inch sqin sq in 0٫00064516
  • sqin sqcm
Other square nautical mile sqnmi sq nmi 3٬429٬904
دونم dunam For alternative spellings and definitions see the full list 1٬000
tsubo tsubo (400/121)

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/m³ combinations
SI cubic metre cum US spelling: cubic meter
one kilolitre
cubic centimetre cucm cm³ US spelling: cubic centimeter
one millilitre
cc cc
cubic millimetre cumm mm³ US spelling: cubic millimeter
non-SI metric kilolitre kl kl US spelling: kiloliter
one cubic metre
kL kL
litre l l US spelling: liter
one cubic decimetre
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • l impgal
  • l USgal
  • l U.S.gal
  • l USdrygal
  • l U.S.drygal
  • L impgal
  • L USgal
  • L U.S.gal
  • L USdrygal
  • L U.S.drygal
centilitre cl cl US spelling: centiliter
cL cL
millilitre ml ml US spelling: milliliter
one cubic centimetre
  • ml impoz
  • ml USoz
  • ml U.S.oz
mL mL
  • mL impoz
  • mL USoz
  • mL U.S.oz
US customary
ياردة مكعبة cuyd cu yd 0٫764554857984
قدم مكعب cuft (cufoot) ق3 The cufoot code will produce cubic foot as the plural form. 0٫028316846592
cubic inch cuin cu in 0٫000016387064
Imperial barrel impbbl imp bbl 36 imp gal 0٫16365924
bushel impbsh imp bsh 8 imp gal 0٫03636872
impbu imp bu
gallon impgal imp gal 4.54609 litres by definition, also
4 imp qt or 8 imp pt or 160 imp fl oz
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • impgal l
  • impgal L
  • impgal USgal
  • impgal U.S.gal
  • impgal USdrygal
  • impgal U.S.drygal
quart impqt imp qt 1/4 imp gal or 40 imp fl oz 0٫0011365225
pint imppt imp pt 1/8 imp gal or 20 imp fl oz 0٫00056826125
imperial fluid ounce impoz (impfloz) imp fl oz 1/160 imp gal 0٫0000284130625
  • impoz USoz
  • impoz U.S.oz
  • impoz ml
  • impoz mL
US customary
liquid measure
barrel USbbl US bbl 31½ US gal
used for liquids except for oil and beer (see the full list)
U.S.bbl U.S. bbl
برميل oilbbl bbl 42 US gal 0٫158987294928
beer barrel USbeerbbl
US bbl 0٫117347765304
U.S. bbl
گالون أمريكي USgal گالون أمريكي 231 cubic inches by definition, also
4 US qt or 8 US pt or 128 US fl oz
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
U.S.gal U.S. gal
  • USgal l
  • USgal L
  • USgal impgal
quart USqt US qt 1/4 US gal or 32 US fl oz 0٫000946352946
U.S.qt U.S. qt
pint USpt US pt 1/8 US gal or 16 US fl oz 0٫000473176473
U.S.pt U.S. pt
fluid ounce USoz
US fl oz 1/128 US gal 0٫0000295735295625
  • USoz ml
  • USoz mL
  • USoz impoz
U.S. fl oz
  • U.S.oz ml
  • U.S.oz mL
  • U.S.oz impoz
US customary
dry measure
barrel USdrybbl US bbl 105/32 US bsh 0٫11562819898508
U.S.drybbl U.S. dry bbl
bushel USbsh US bsh 2150.42 cubic inches by definition 0٫03523907016688
USbu U.S. bu
U.S.bsh U.S. bsh
U.S.bu U.S. bu
dry gallon USdrygal US dry gal 1/8 US bsh
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • USdrygal l
  • USdrygal L
  • USdrygal impgal
U.S.drygal U.S. dry gal
  • U.S.drygal l
  • U.S.drygal L
  • U.S.drygal impgal
dry quart USdryqt US dry qt 1/32 US bsh 0٫001101220942715
U.S.dryqt U.S. dry qt
dry pint USdrypt US dry pt 1/32 US bsh 0٫0005506104713575
U.S.drypt U.S. dry pt

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/(m/s) combinations
SI metre per second m/s m/s US spelling: meter per second
  • m/s ft/s (m/s foot/s)
non-SI metric كيلومتر/ساعة km/h كم/س (5/18)
  • km/h mph
US customary
ميل في الساعة mph ميل/س 0٫44704
  • mph km/h
قدم/ثانية ft/s (foot/s) ft/s The foot/s code will produce foot per second as the plural form. 0٫3048
  • ft/s m/s
Maritime units عقدة kn (knot) عقدة (4٫63/9)

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/N combinations
SI گيگانيوتن GN GN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1٬000٬000٬000
  • GN LT-f
  • GN LTf
  • GN L/T-f
  • GN L/Tf
  • GN ST-f
  • GN STf
  • GN S/T-f
  • GN S/Tf
مـِگانيوتن MN MN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1٬000٬000
  • MN LT-f
  • MN LTf
  • MN L/T-f
  • MN L/Tf
  • MN ST-f
  • MN STf
  • MN S/T-f
  • MN S/Tf
kilonewton kN kN Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1٬000
  • kN LT-f
  • kN LTf
  • kN L/T-f
  • kN L/Tf
  • kN ST-f
  • kN STf
  • kN S/T-f
  • kN S/Tf
نيوتن N N 1
  • N lb-f
  • N lbf
  • N oz-f
  • N ozf
millinewton mN mN 0٫001
  • mN oz-f
  • mN ozf
  • mN gr-f
  • mN grf
micronewton μN (uN) µN 0٫000001
  • μN gr-f
  • μN grf
nanonewton nN nN 0٫000000001
  • nN gr-f
  • nN grf
cgs مـِگاداين Mdyn Mdyn 10
kilodyne kdyn kdyn 0٫01
داين dyn
dyn 0٫00001
millidyne mdyn mdyn 0٫00000001
Metric gravitational units tonne-force t-f tf 9٬806٫65
tf tf
kilogram-force kg-f kgf 9٫80665
kgf kgf
gram-force g-f gf 0٫00980665
gf gf
milligram-force mg-f mgf 0٫00000980665
mgf mgf
Avoirdupois-based units poundal pdl pdl 0٫138254954376
long ton-force LT-f LTf 9٬964٫01641818352
  • LT-f ST-f

قالب:Convert/list of units/rowaltabNa

  • LTf STf
L/T-f L/Tf
  • L/T-f S/T-f
L/Tf L/Tf
  • L/Tf S/Tf
short ton-force ST-f STf 8٬896٫443230521
  • ST-f LT-f

قالب:Convert/list of units/rowaltabNa

  • STf LTf
S/T-f S/Tf
  • S/T-f L/T-f
S/Tf S/Tf
  • S/Tf L/Tf
pound-force lb-f lbf 4٫4482216152605
lbf lbf
ounce-force oz-f ozf 0٫2780138203095378000
ozf ozf
grain-force gr-f grf 0٫0006354602307515
grf grf

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/J combinations
SI gigajoule GJ GJ 1٬000٬000٬000
مـِگاجول MJ MJ 1٬000٬000
kilojoule kJ kJ 1٬000
hectojoule hJ hJ 100
decajoule daJ daJ 10
جول J J 1
decijoule dJ dJ 0٫1
centijoule cJ cJ 0٫01
millijoule mJ mJ 0٫001
microjoule μJ (uJ) µJ 0٫000001
nanojoule nJ nJ 0٫000000001
cgs megaerg Merg Merg 0٫1
kiloerg kerg kerg 0٫0001
erg erg erg 0٫0000001
Watt-hour multiples terawatt-hour TWh TWh 3٫600000000000000×1015
TW.h TW·h
gigawatt-hour GWh GWh 3٫600000000000×1012
GW.h GW·h
megawatt-hour MWh MWh 3٬600٬000٬000
MW.h MW·h
kilowatt-hour kWh kWh 3٬600٬000
kW.h kW·h
watt-hour Wh Wh 3٬600
W.h W·h
Electronvolt multiples gigaelectronvolt GeV GeV 0٫0000000001602176487
megaelectronvolt MeV MeV قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
kiloelectronvolt keV keV قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
electronvolt eV eV قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
millielectronvolt meV meV قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
Calorie multiples سعر حراري Cal Cal The thermochemical calorie is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list. 4٬184
megacalorie Mcal Mcal 4٬184٬000
kilocalorie kcal kcal 4٬184
calorie cal cal 4٫184
millicalorie mcal mcal 0٫004184
foot-poundal ftpdl ft·pdl 0٫0421401100938048
رطل-قدم ftlbf ft·lbf 1٫3558179483314003
ftlb-f ft·lbf
inch-pound force inlbf in·lbf 0٫1129848290276167
inlb-f in·lbf
inch-ounce force inozf in·ozf 0٫00706155181422604350
inoz-f in·ozf
horsepower-hour hph hp·h 2٬684٬519٫537696173000
British thermal unit British thermal unit Btu Btu The International Steam Table British thermal unit is the default definition. For other definitions see the full list. 1٬055٫05585262
TNT-based units گيگاطن من تي إن تي GtTNT قالب:Scinote/6
گيگاطن من تي إن تي GtonTNT
megatonne of TNT MtTNT 4٫184000000000000×1015
megaton of TNT MtonTNT Mt
kilotonne of TNT ktTNT 4٫184000000000×1012
kiloton of TNT ktonTNT
tonne of TNT tTNT 4٬184٬000٬000
ton of TNT tonTNT
Other Hartree Eh Eh قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
rydberg Ry Ry قالب:Convert/list of units/facdisp-1
tonne of oil equivalent toe toe 41٬868٬000٬000
برميل نفط مكافئ BOE BOE 6٬117٬863٬200
cubic foot of natural gas cuftnaturalgas
The cufootnaturalgas code will produce cubic foot of natural gas as the plural form. 1٬055٬055٫85262
litre-atmosphere latm l·atm 101٫325
Latm L·atm
gallon-atmosphere impgalatm imp gal·atm 460٫63256925
US gallon-atmosphere USgalatm
US gal·atm 383٫5568490138
U.S. gal·atm

(separate page; full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion
to kelvin
SI kelvin K K Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. [K]
  • K °C (K C)
  • K °R (K R)
  • K °F (K F)
degree سلسيوس °C (C) °س ([°C]+273.15)
  • °C K (C K)
  • °C °R (C R)
  • °C °F (C F)
US customary
degree Rankine °R (R) °R ([°R]/1.8)
  • °R K (R K)
  • °R °C (R C)
  • °R °F (R F)
degree فارنهايت °F (F) °ف (([°F]+459.67)/1.8)
  • °F K (F K)
  • °F °C (F C)
  • °F °R (F R)

(Full list)
system unit code
abbreviation notes conversion factor/kg combinations
SI kilogram kg kg Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1
  • kg lb
  • kg st
gram g g 0٫001
  • g oz
milligram mg mg 0٫000001
  • mg gr
microgram μg (ug) µg 0٫000000001
non-SI metric tonne t t Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 1٬000
  • t LT
  • t ST
  • t L/T
  • t S/T
طن متري MT t
  • MT LT
  • MT ST
  • M/T L/T
  • M/T S/T
Avoirdupois طن طويل LT 2,240 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • LT t
  • LT MT
  • LT ST
  • L/T t
  • L/T M/T
  • L/T S/T
طن قصير ST 2,000 lb
used mostly in the US
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • ST t
  • ST MT
  • ST LT
  • S/T t
  • S/T M/T
  • S/T L/T
stone st st 14 lb
used mostly in the British Commonwealth except Canada
Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list.
  • st kg
  • st lb
رطل lb lb Triple combinations are also possible. See the full list. 0٫45359237
  • lb kg
  • lb st
أوقية oz أوقية 0٫028349523
  • oz g
درامchm drachm 0٫001771845195
درامchm dram
grain gr gr equivalent to the troy grain 0٫00006479891
Troy troy ounce ozt ozt 0٫0311034768
other carat carat 0٫0002

unit code abbreviation conversion factor/Pa
مـِگاپاسكال MPa MPa 1٬000٬000
kilopascal kPa kPa 1٬000
hectopascal hPa hPa 100
پاسكال Pa Pa 1
millipascal ‎mPa‎ mPa 0٫001
millibar mbar mbar 100
mb mb
دسيبار ‎dbar dbar 10٬000
bar bar bar 100٬000
kilobarye kBa kBa 100
باري ‎Ba Ba 0٫1
standard atmosphere atm atm 101٬325
تور Torr Torr (20٬265/152)
millimetre of mercury mmHg mmHg 133٫322387415
inch of mercury inHg inHg 3٬386٫38864341
pound per square inch psi psi (444٬822٬161٫52605/64٬516)
unit code notes
newton metre N·m (N.m) Use N·m or N.m to get the mid-dot.
Torque conversions can go to and from the following units.
  • foot-poundal
  • foot-pound force
  • inch-pound force
  • inch-ounce force

Codes, abbreviations and conversion factors (but to N·m in this case) are the same as with the corresponding energy units as listed above.

Fuel efficency
unit code
notes combinations
kilometres per litre km/l (km/L) Use km/L to get "km/L"
  • km/l mpgimp
  • km/l mpgus
litres per 100 kilometres l/100 km (L/100 km) Use L/100 km to get "L/100 km"
  • l/100 km mpgimp
  • l/100 km mpgus
litres per kilometre l/km (L/km) Use L/km to get "L/km"
  • l/km impgal/mi
  • l/km usgal/mi
miles per imperial gallon mpgimp
  • mpgimp mpgus
miles per US gallon mpgus (mpgUS, mpgU.S.) Use mpgUS to get "US"

Use mpgU.S. to get "U.S."
mpgus will give "U.S." if spelling is
set to US & "US" otherwise

  • mpgus mpgimp
imperial gallons per mile impgal/mi
  • impgal/mi
US gallons per mile usgal/mi (USgal/mi, U.S.gal/mi) As above with the us vs US vs U.S.
  • usgal/mi
The mpgUS, mpgU.S., USgal/mi vs U.S.gal/mi, km/L, L/100 km and L/km variants work within combinations also (making 36 combinations in total).
Watts, kilowatts, milliwatts, etc. are supported. As is horsepower (English & metric). Use standard abbreviations as input code (lower case hp for horsepower, for example)
Population density
unit code
notes combinations
inhabitants per square kilometre PD/sqkm PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqkm PD/sqmi
per square kilometre /sqkm Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqkm /sqmi
inhabitants per hectare PD/ha
  • PD/ha PD/acre
per hectare /ha
  • /ha /acre
inhabitants per square mile PD/sqmi PD stands for population density, i.e. humans (inhabitants)
  • PD/sqmi PD/sqkm
per square mile /sqmi Used when the word 'inhabitants' would be inappropriate.
  • /sqmi /sqkm
inhabitants per acre PD/acre
  • PD/acre PD/ha
per acre /acre
  • /acre /ha


See also

  • {{Convinfobox}} for use in infoboxes
  • {{Bbl to t}} for converting barrel of oil to tonnes
  • {{CwtQtrLb to kg}} for converting long hundred weights, quarters and pounds into kilograms
  • {{Decdeg}} for converting degrees, minutes and seconds to decimal degrees
  • {{HMS2Deg}} for converting hour angles, given in hours, minutes and seconds, to decimal degrees
  • {{Miles-chains}} for converting miles and chains to kilometres linking "chains"
  • {{Pop density}} for converting a population and area to a density
  • {{Inflation}} for calculating inflation of Consumer Price Index related prices
  • {{Metricate}}
  • {{RailGauge}} for converting rail (track) gauges
  • {{Convert/scale}} with custom formula for converting any linearly related units
  • Bug 235: Auto unit conversion