
(تم التحويل من Kutrigurs)

كوتريگور Kutrigurs كانوا بدو خيالة الذين ازدهروا في سهوب پنطس-القزوين في القرن السادس الميلادي. إلى الشرق منهم تواجد الأوتيگور المشابهون. وقد حاربوا الامبراطورية البيزنطية والأوتيگور. وقرب نهاية القرن السادس كان الآڤار قد استوعبوهم بضغط من الترك.

أوروبا وشمال أفريقيا حوالي 600 م.

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أصل الاسم

The name Kutrigur, also recorded as Kwrtrgr, Κουτρίγουροι, Κουτούργουροι, Κοτρίγουροι, Κοτρίγοροι, Κουτρίγοροι, Κοτράγηροι, Κουτράγουροι, Κοτριαγήροι,[1] has been suggested as a metathecized form of Turkic *Toqur-Oğur, thus the *Quturoğur mean "Nine Oğur (tribes)".[2] David Marshall Lang derived it from Turkic kötrügür (conspicuous, eminent, renowned).[3] There has been little scholarly support for theories linking the names of Kutrigurs and Utigurs to peoples such as the Guti/Quti and/or Udi/Uti, of Ancient Southwest Asia and the Caucasus respectively, which has been posited by Osman Karatay,[4] or Duč'i (some read Kuchi) Bulgars by Josef Markwart.[5]


Grousset thought that they were remnants of the Huns.[6] Procopius recounts that:{{quote|in the old days many Huns,{{refn|group="nb"|The ethnonym of the Huns, like those of Scythians and Türks, became a generic term for steppe-people (nomads) and invading enemies from the East, no matter of their actual origin and identity.

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  1. ^ Golden 2011, p. 139.
  2. ^ Golden 2011, p. 71, 139.
  3. ^ Lang 1976, p. 34.
  4. ^ Karatay 2003, p. 26.
  5. ^ Vasil 1918.
  6. ^ Grousset 1970, p. 79.