قالب:جدول سيرة تاريخية صينية

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Cao Cao
Cao Cao scth.jpg
A Ming dynasty block print portrait of Cao Cao from Sancai Tuhui
King Wei
وُلِد 155
Bozhou, Anhui, China
توفي 15 مارس 220(220-03-15) (aged 65)
Luoyang, Henan, China
تبعه Cao Pi
الصينية المبسطة 曹操
الصينية التقليدية 曹操
بن‌ين Cáo Cāo
ويد-گايلز Ts'ao2  Ts'ao1 
اسم الأسلوب Mengde (صينية: 孟德؛ پن‌ين: Mèngdé؛ ويد–جايلز: Meng-te�)
الاسم بعد الوفاة * King Wu (صينية: 武王؛ پن‌ين: Wǔ Wáng�)
اسم المعبد Taizu (صينية: 太祖؛ پن‌ين: Tàizǔ؛ ويد–جايلز: Tai-tsu�)
أسماء أخرى * A'man (الصينية المبسطة: 阿瞒؛ الصينية التقليدية: 阿瞞؛ پن‌ين: Ā'mán�)


{{Infobox Chinese historical biography
| name        = 
| image       = 
| image_size  = 
| alt         =
| caption     = 
| Title       = 
| Kingdom     = 
| birth_date  = 
| birth_place = 
| death_date  = 
| death_place = 
| Reign       = 
| Predecessor = 
| Successor   = 
| Trad        = 
| Simp        = 
| Pinyin      = 
| WG          = 
| Zi          = 
| Post        = 
| Era         = 
| Temple      = 
| Buddhism    = 
| Deity       = 
| Other       = 
| Notes       = 
  • name: Name of the person.
  • image: Name of the image (e.g. Image000.jpg), if it is available.
  • image_size: Size of the image. Default size is "frameless", which is 220px.
  • alt: Alt for caption.
  • caption: Caption for the image.
  • Title: Person's role in whichever state or faction he/she served in. (e.g. general, politician, minister, official, military officer, Chancellor)
  • Kingdom: Person's allegiance. List only the final allegiance if the person previously served other lords. See also List of people of the Three Kingdoms#Notes for examples.
  • birth_date: Date of birth.
  • birth_place: Place of birth.
  • death_date: Date of death.
  • death_place: Place of death.
  • Reign: Start year—End year (only for emperors)
  • Predecessor: Predecessor (only for emperors)
  • Successor: Successor (only for emperors)
  • Trad: Traditional Chinese name
  • Simp: Simplified Chinese name
  • Pinyin: Pinyin name
  • WG: Wade–Giles name
  • Zi: Courtesy name
  • Post: Posthumous name(s). It is not necessary to list out the full posthumous title (e.g. "Marquis Zhuangmou of Hanshou Village"). Something like "Marquis Jing", "Marquis Zhuang" etc. will do.
  • Era: Chinese era name(s) (only for emperors)
  • Temple: Temple name(s) (only for emperors and persons who received posthumous emperor titles)
  • Buddhism: Buddhism name(s)
  • Deity: Deity name(s)
  • Other: Other name(s)
  • Notes: Notes

If it is necessary to put more than one name in any field, use {{unbulleted list}} or unordered list bullet markup.


| Era = {{unbulleted list
  | Name1
  | Name2
  | Name3
  | Name4
| Other = 
'''Type of name'''
* Name5
* Name6
* Name7
* Name8