قالب:رائيلية الرائيلية إنگليزية: Raëlism هي ديانة فكرتها مرتبطة بكائنات فضائية افتراضية. أسسها صحفي السيارات الرياضية السابق الفرنسي كلود ڤوريون في باريس، فرنسا عام 1974 إثر مؤتمر ضخم، وتوصف الرائيلية بأنها أكبر ديانة كائنات فضائية في العالم.

خطأ في إنشاء صورة مصغرة: الملف مفقود
تجمع للرائيليين في كوريا الجنوبية.
النوعدين جديد
المقر الرئيسيباريس/ فرنسا
مؤسس الرائيلية
كلود ڤوريون
الموقع الإلكترونيRael.org

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تراتب الأعضاء

المستوى السادس:
مرشد المرشدين
المرشد الكوكبي
المستوى الخامس:
المستوى الرابع:
المستوى الثالث:
مساعد كاهن
رأس القارة
مرشد وطني
مرشد إقليمي
المرشد الوطني
مرشد إقليمي
المرشد الإقليمي
المستوى الثاني:
المستوى الأول:
مساعد منظم
المستوى صفر:

الشعائر والمناسك

رائيليون يرسمون بالرمل

طقوس البدء


Baptisms can only be performed on four special days in the year. The dates mark anniversaries in the Raëlian calendar.[3]:p. 64

The dates are 6 August, which marks the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945,[4]:p. 151[4]:p. 151 13 December, marking the day that Raël in 1973 says he had his first personal encounter with one of the extraterrestrial Elohim,[4]:pp. 4, 121–2, 136, 143, 223 7 October in which the Elohim, Raël says, took him up in a spacecraft in 1975 and the following day had meals with Jesus, Buddha, and other past religious figures[4]:pp. 145–178 and the first Sunday in April, which Raëlians believe is the date when dark-skinned extraterrestrials created Adam and Eve.[3]:p. 64[5]

ملف:Sensual Meditation Raelian.jpg
Sensual Meditation (1980), Raël's fifth book about Raëlism.

Sensual Meditation

Sensual Meditation is the set of exercises made public by Claude Vorilhon in his book La méditation sensuelle.[6] It is practiced by members of International Raelian Movement (IRM).[6] The first of these exercises is usually taught in Raëlian Seminars.[6]


الرائيليون يؤمنون بأن ڤوريلون، والذين يسمونه رائيل، تلقى علوما وإرشادات من كائنات الإلوهيم وهي كائنات -حسب اعتقادهم- قريبة من الإنسان وأنها هي من خلق مظاهر الحياة على كوكب الأرض. الرائيليون يؤمنون أيضا أن هذه الكائنات وصلت إلى كوكب الأرض في الماضي وأنها ظهرت بمظهر "الآلهة" أو "الملائكة" للبشر في السابق وكانت سببا في تأسيس العديد من الديانات المعروفة اليوم.




قضايا المثليين

الحسية والمتعة

وجهة نظرهم في اشتهاء الغلمان

بنية الكون

التصميم الذكي

سفارة الكائنات الخارجية

Tent version of the Embassy for Extraterrestrial Elohim for use in a Raëlian seminar in Colombia, South America (1/4 the width, 1/4 the length, and half the height of the proposed embassy)

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Proposed architecture and location

The book cover of Rael's book Geniocracy: Government of the People, for the People, by the Geniuses (Printed for the first time in English: 2008 Nova Distribution.)

A form of meritocracy

الرمز الديني

The Raëlian symbol with the swastika (left) and the alternative version (right)

Raelians believe in reclaiming the swastika by restoring its historical meaning as a symbol of peace and good luck.[7][7] Swastika has been used for millennia in the East as a religious symbol of peace and harmony.

تقبل العالم

In 1995, a parliamentary commission issued a report through the National Assembly of France that categorized the Raelian Movement (Mouvement Raëlien) as a secte[8] (French word for "cult"), but did not give reasons for this classification. In 1997, a parliamentary inquiry commission issued a report through the Belgian Chamber of Representatives that categorized the Belgian Raelian Movement (Mouvement Raëlien Belge) as a sect.[9] Glenn McGee, professor at the University of New Haven, stated that part of the sect is a cult while the other part is a commercial website that collects large sums of money from those interested in human cloning.[10] The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the United States Department of State[11] and sociologist Susan J. Palmer[3]:pp. 1–3 have classified the International Raëlian Movement as a religion.

In 2005, two Wired News reporters were welcomed into a Raëlian seminar and had permission to videotape it. They believe the footage they took makes it clear that the Raelian Movement is a cult which should disband. A Raëlian guide said in a Wired interview that he was not ashamed of what is shown and that he has no concerns about this incident.[12][13]

The estranged former wife of Vorilhon characterised him as a "cult leader" and claimed he brought groups of female Raëlians home and held orgies which affected the children from an early age.[14]

انظر أيضًا

وصلات خارجية

  • The Raëlian books compared to Jean Sendy's. Testimonies by ex-Raelians.
  • Whittemore, Faye. "Religious Movements Homepage: Raelians (link)". University of Virginia. Archived from the original on 6 July 2007.
  • Raëlism Robert T. Carroll's skeptic dictionary entry
  • Rael : The Masonic Messiah?
  • Who Are the Raelians, and Why Are They Naked? by Brian Dunning

  1. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة Clone artist
  2. ^ Raelianews: Downloads, Raelian Contact Newsletter. Retrieved 12 July 2007.
  3. ^ أ ب ت خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة PalmerAD
  4. ^ أ ب ت ث خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة RaëlID
  5. ^ RaelAfrica.org, RaelAfrica.org. Retrieved 9 August 2006.
  6. ^ أ ب ت Raël, Sensual Meditation[1]
  7. ^ أ ب Pro-Swastika, Pro-Swastika.org. 2008. Retrieved 10 April 2008.
  8. ^ Assemblée Nationale (10 June 1999). "Les sectes et l'argent - Annexes (Cults and money - Appendices)" (in French). République Française. Retrieved 20 April 2009. La Commission a choisi de sélectionner une trentaine de sectes (1) qui lui paraissent disposer d'une influence économique et d'un poids financier significatifs, et pour lesquelles elle a pu rassembler des informations qu'elle juge utile de rendre publiques. [The Commission chose to select some thirty cults which appeared to it to have significant economic influence and financial clout; and for which it could assemble information which it judged useful to publicise.] {{cite web}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  9. ^ Human Rights Without Frontiers International: Human Rights in Belgium Annual Report (Events in 2005).
  10. ^ Thomasch, Paul, The sportswriter, the aliens, and a cult with 55,000 believers, The Guardian. 28 December 2002. Retrieved 24 May 2007.
  11. ^ International Religious Freedom Report 2003, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. 18 December 2003. Retrieved 6 August 2006.
  12. ^ Philipkoski, Kristen, Some Sex With Your Clone Perhaps?, Wired News. 31 August 2005. Retrieved 14 July 2014.
  13. ^ A VERY SPECIAL SEMINAR IN LAS VEGAS (Note: Only the French language version is available.), Raelian Contact 273. 26 May 2005. Retrieved 26 June 2007. (French, raelianews.org version)
  14. ^ I was married to clone cult leader Rael 15 years. He wrecked my life and our children's., Mail on Sunday/12 January 2003.
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