جان-باتيست دني

جان-باتيست دني Jean-Baptiste Denys (عاش 16433 أكتوبر 1704)، هو طبيب فرنسي[1]، مشهور بأنه قام بأول عملية نقل دم موثقة لإنسان، في 15 يونيو 1667. وقد درس في مونپلييه، وكان الطبيب الشخصي للملك لويس الرابع عشر.

Jean-Baptiste Denys
Jean-Baptiste Denis
وُلِدَحوالي 1635
توفي3 أكتوبر 1704
باريس، فرنسا
المدرسة الأمUniversity of Montpellier, College des Grassins
السيرة العلمية
المجالاتالطب والفلسفة
الرعاةHenri Louis Habert De Montmor

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المحاولات البشرية

First successful Human Blood Transfusion, June 15, 1667

Denys administered the first full documented xenotransfusion on June 15, 1667. With the assistance of Paul Emmerez he transfused about twelve ounces of lamb blood into the veins of a 15-year-old boy who had suffered from uncontrollable fevers for two months and had been consequently bled with leeches 20 times by a barber-surgeon, to no effect. After Denys’ intervention, allegedly, by the next morning, the kid was alert, and seemingly cured of his illness.

The physician, always with Emmerez by his side, performed another transfusion on a middle-aged man, a butcher, with pleasing results. The man had not died but rather was found to be in great spirit, although probably a consequence of the fact that the man later in the day went to the local tavern. Realistically, both instances of success were most likely due to the small amount of blood that was actually transfused into these people, which did not trigger any major allergic reaction.


  1. ^ "This Month in Anesthesia History". Retrieved 2009-06-15.
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