نقاش:كتاب حقائق العالم

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هذه ملاحظة قيمة أنقلها من ويكيبيديا الانكليزية

It's not "biased", because the work is meant to relate official U.S. government data on nations, regimes, and (especially) transnational conflicts. It's not MEANT to be unbiased or used as a primary source. As long as one understands this when using it, one should be all right. As noted above, the basic data (life expectancy, etc.) is based on the best data available internationally. It is really on transnational issues that one must be slightly wary of the Factbook. Then again, one must be equally wary of the Wikipedia for other reasons. Neither source should be used as a primary source in conducting research, but as a source of basic information they're both usually acceptable.

--إسلامي 15:40, 8 ديسمبر 2006 (UTC)

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