

{{ userbox-2
| side-box 1 color
| main box color
| ID/icon 1
| message
| ID/icon 2
| border color (defaults to same as side-box 1)
| side-box 2 color (defaults to same as side-box 1)


{{ userbox-2
| float    = 
| border-c = border color
| border-s = border width

| id1      = side-box 1 content
| id1-c    = side-box 1 colour
| id1-s    = side-box 1 font size
| id1-fc   = side-box 1 font color
| id1-op   = side-box 1 CSS properties

| info     = main box content
| info-c   = main box colour
| info-s   = main box font size
| info-fc  = main box font color
| info-lh  = main box line height
| info-p   = main box padding
| info-op  = main box CSS properties

| id2      = side-box 2 content
| id2-c    = side-box 2 colour
| id2-s    = side-box 2 font size
| id2-fc   = side-box 2 font color
| id2-op   = side-box 2 CSS properties

| usercategory  = user category (optional)
| usercategory2 = user category (optional)
  • If border-c is not specified, id1-c will be used
  • All parameters are optional

See also