قالب:Periodic table legend/Age of discovery

لون الخلفية يبين عصر الاكتشاف:
القِدم إلى العصور الوسطى Middle Ages–​1799 1800–​1849 1850–​1899 1900–​1949 1950–​1999 Since 2000
(14 elements)
القِدم to العصور الوسطى: unrecorded discoveries up into the Middle Ages
(14 elements)
Discoveries during the Scientific Revolution and the age of enlightenment, part of the gradual rejection of the Aristotelian theory of matter
(31 elements)
The chemical and industrial revolutions lead to the standardization of chemical techniques and the development of atomic theory for chemistry
(24 elements)
The age of classifying elements; application of spectrum analysis techniques: Boisbaudran, Bunsen, Crookes, Kirchhoff, and others "hunting emission line signatures"
(14 elements)
Developments in X-ray spectroscopy and radiochemistry allows for many radioactive elements and the final stable elements to be discovered
(16 elements)
Post Manhattan project; synthesis of atomic numbers 98 and above (colliders, bombardment techniques, nuclear reactors)
(5 elements)
Recent synthesis