
This template produces small inline New York City Subway bullets that illustrate the subway system's services. Diamond services are designated by placing a lowercase "d" after the main name. For example, {{NYCS-bull-small|7}} produces NYCS 7, and {{NYCS-bull-small|7d}} produces NYCS 7d. For available bullets see Commons:Category:New York City Subway bullets. See also New York City Subway nomenclature.

The NYCS S bullet for shuttle services has a special feature to enable a direct link to the correct shuttle. For example, {{NYCS-bull-small|S|42nd Street Shuttle}} produces 42nd Street Shuttle with a link to the 42nd Street Shuttle, {{NYCS-bull-small|S|Rockaway Park Shuttle}} produces Rockaway Park Shuttle with a link to the Rockaway Park Shuttle, and {{NYCS-bull-small|S|Franklin Avenue Shuttle}} produces Franklin Avenue Shuttle with a link to the Franklin Avenue Shuttle.

Usage in prose

Please avoid adding these bullets within the prose of articles. Per Wikipedia's Manual of Style for icons, "Icons should not be used in the article body... This breaks up the continuity of the text, distracting the reader". In addition, bullets used in this way are primarily decorative, e.g. "aesthetics are in the eye of the beholder: one reader's harmless decoration may be another reader's distraction". Usage in prose also poses an accessibility problem for those with screen readers.

Instead, use {{NYCS box}} to emulate the bullet functionality in text. For example, use  3  instead of NYCS 3.

See also