Wikidata contains many examples of "External identifiers" such as [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. (P267)] – see Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System.

These codes are used with [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. formatter URL (P1630)] such as$1 where the $1 is to be substituted by the ATC code.

This template takes an external identifier code as |code= and uses a formatter url as |url= to construct a link to the external resource; an optional |label= parameter sets the text of the link, defaulting to the value of |code= otherwise.

Supplying the code as a parameter to this template allows one call to be made to Wikidata to fetch the code.


For [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. هرقلوناس (Q26979)], [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. (P267)]:

  • {{Formatter link |url=$1 |code={{wdib |P267 |qid=Q26979 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y |maxvals=1}} }}

The formatter url to use for [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. (P267)] can be found from:

  • {{wdib |P1630 |qid=P267 |fwd=ALL |osd=n}}

In infoboxes, it will generally be hard-coded because it is specific to the infobox field. Otherwise the following can be used if Wikidata changes of the formatter url should be tracked:

  • {{Formatter link |url={{wdib |P1630 |qid=P267 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y}} |code={{wdib |P267 |qid=Q26979 |fwd=ALL |osd=n |noicon=y |maxvals=1}} }}

See also

Template data

Combines a Wikidata “formatter URL (P1630)” with an id code to produce a URL

وسائط القالب

هذا القالب يفضل التنسيق بنفس السطر للوسائط.


the unique ID value of the target page

غير معروفمطلوب

the Wikidata “formatter URL (P1630)”

غير معروفمطلوب

the text of the link (defaults to the value of “code”)

غير معروفاختياري