قالب:جدول عظام/شرح

{{Infobox bone}} displays a right-side infobox showing information about bones of the body, allowing 2 images to be displayed at the top of the box.


Superciliary arches
Frontal bone. (Superciliary
arch at mid right).
باللاتينيةa. superciliaris
Anatomical terms of bone

The template is invoked using double-brace syntax (with the result similar to that shown at the right), coded as follows:

{{Infobox bone
| Name        = Superciliary arches
| Latin       = a. superciliaris
| GraySubject = 33
| GrayPage    = 135
| Image       = Gray134.png
| Width       = 250
| Caption     = [[Frontal bone]]. (Superciliary arch at mid right)
| Image2      =
| Width2      =
| Caption2    =
| System      =
| MeshName    =
| MeshNumber  =
| TA98        = A02.1.03.005
| FMA         = 52850
| Dorlands    =
| DorlandsID  =


The template parameters are (note case sensitivity):

Name = English name for structure.
Latin = Latin name for structure.
GraySubject = Gray's Anatomy subject number, such as: 189. For details, see {{Gray's Anatomy link}}.
GrayPage = Gray's Anatomy page number, such as: 825. For details, see {{Gray's Anatomy link}}.
Image = top image (omit "Image:").
Width = width of top image (in pixels, default=250).
Caption = caption under top image.
Image2 = 2nd top image (omit "Image:").
Width2 = width of 2nd image (in pixels, default=250).
Caption2 = caption under 2nd top image.
Origins = any origins text
Insertions = any insertions text
Articulations = any articulations text
Precursor = any precursor text
MeshName = MeSH name
MeshNumber = MeSH number code
TA98 = TA code. How to serch TA code, see Template:TA98.
FMA = FMA identifier. How to search FMA identifier, see Template:FMA.
Dorlands = Dorlands url number, such as: nine/000956217 (before .htm in url).
DorlandsID = Dorlands article name, such as "pulmonary artery".

Most parameters begin with a capital letter.

See also