قالب:جدول رمز دائرة البروج

رمز دائرة البروج{{{Symbol}}}
Duration (Tropical, غربي)20 مارس – 19 أبريل (2024, UTC)
Zodiac Element{{{Element}}}
Zodiac Quality{{{Quality}}}
Sign ruler{{{Domicile}}}

the main article for this template is Astrological sign. Please ensure that a full discussion (with references) of every item added here is found in that article.

the calculation of the tropical duration is straightforward, based on the current vernal equinox, see {{Zodiac date}}.

The calculation of the sidereal system depends on which sidereal system is intended. The most notable seems to be the Hindu one, which seems to coincide with the tropical one in about 285 AD. At least this is what we quote in sidereal astrology, "according to N C Lahiri" (no actual reference is cited). The 285 AD date is used in {{Zodiac date sidereal}}, but needs to be substantiated.

It is requested to discuss before making any changes in the template.
