قالب:بواية:الرسوم الحاسوبية/Intro

A 3D projection of a 4D Pentachoron performing a double rotation about two orthogonal planes.

Computer graphics includes almost everything on computers that is not text or sound but is normally considered as different from photography. Today almost every computer can do some graphics, and people have come to expect that they will interface with their computer through icons and pictures rather than solely by typing. The term computer graphics has additional meanings:

Today much of our life is affected by computers, and by computer graphics. Whether you see them on television, in newspapers, in weather reports or while at the doctor's surgery, computer images are all around you. A well-chosen graph is able to transform a complex table of numbers into meaningful results. Such graphs are used to illustrate papers, reports, and theses, as well as providing the basis for presentation material in the form of slides and overhead transparencies. A range of tools and facilities are available to enable users to visualise their data, and computer graphics are used in many disciplines.