باربل (سمك)

الباربل (إنگليزية: Barbels)، هي مجموعة من الشبوط الصغير - مثل أسماك المياه العذبة، وجميعها تقريبًا من جنس البني. توجد عادة في المياه ذات التدفق البطيء والقاع الصخري والحصى والمحتوى العالي من الأكسجين المذاب. يتراوح طول الباريل البالغين النموذجي من 25 إلى 100 سم ويزن ما بين 200 جرام و 10 كجم، على الرغم من أن الأوزان التي تبلغ 200 جرام أكثر شيوعًا. وزن الصغار 100-150 جرام.

سمكة الباربل.

بطرخ الباربل سام ويسبب القيء والإسهال عند بعض الناس. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تؤكل الأسماك نفسها والوصفات متوفرة في كتاب الطبخ المصور بلندن من تأليف فريدريك بيشوب. [1]

اشتق اسم باربل من الكلمة اللاتينية باربا وتعني اللحية، [2] في إشارة إلى زوجين من الباربل (اللحية) - زوج أطول يشير للأمام ولأسفل قليلاً - على جانب الفم.

قد لا تُعرف الأسماك التي وصفها الأشخاص الناطقون باللغة الإنجليزية بأنها باربل في بلدهم الأصلي، على الرغم من أن جذر الكلمة قد يكون مشابهًا. على سبيل المثال، يُعرف باربل البحر الأبيض المتوسط (Barbus meridionalis) باسم barbeau méridional أو barbeau truité في فرنسا، ولكن أيضًا باسم drogan و durgan و tourgan و turquan و truitat . [3]

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Barbus barbus, the barbel native to Great Britain, is known simply as the barbel and is a popular sport fish. Subspecies of B. barbus are recognised; namely B. barbus bocagei, B. barbus sclateri, B. barbus thessalus and B. barbus plebejus.

The Mediterranean barbel (Barbus meridionalis) is found in Spain, France, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine. It is a much smaller fish than B. barbus.

Other barbel in Europe include Barbus sclateri – sometimes known as the European barbel; the Italian barbel (Barbus tyberinus); the Albanian barbel (Barbus albanicus); and the Iberian barbel, which is found in Spain and Portugal and is eaten by many European duck species.


The Crimean barbel (Barbus tauricus) is found in the Salgir River in the Crimean peninsula. A sub-species, the Kuban barbel (Barbus tauricus kubanicus) is found in the upper and middle Kuban River in Russia.

The Aral barbel (Barbus brachycephalus) is found in Central Asia, and the sub-species B. brachycephalus caspius (the Caspian Barbel) is found in the Caspian Sea.

The Bulatmai barbel (Barbus capito carpito, formerly Cyprinus capito) is found in the Kura river in Trans-caucasia.

The Terek barbel (Barbus ciscaucasicus) is found in the Kuma River, Russia.

The Turkestan barbel (Barbus conocephalus) is found in the Zeravshan river.

The Gokcha barbel (Barbus goktschaicus) is found in the Lake Sevan in Armenia.

The Kura barbel (Barbus lacerta formerly Mtkvari barbel) is found in Syria.

The Himri barbel (Barbus luteus) is native to Mesopotamian rivers.

The Amur barbel or Barbel steed (Hemibarbus labeo) is found in the Amur basin and elsewhere in east and south-east Asia, including south-east Siberia.


Barbus callensis is found in Tunisia.

The Ripon barbel (Barbus altianalis) is found in the African Great Lakes.

Labeobarbus bynni bynni is found in the Nile and lakes that have been connected to that river. The sub-species Barbus bynni occidentalis is known as the Niger barb.


Occasionally non-cyprinid fish are called barbels such as Austroglanis gilli, or Schilbe mystus, both are catfish. Some species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus a cave dwelling fish found in China have made use of the term barbel in their English common name.

صيد الباربل

Barbel, although often found in still waters, are predominantly a river-dwelling fish and are sought by many anglers. They may not be the most elusive fish in the river; in the right conditions they are fairly easy to catch. They are hardy fish who will fight right until the landing net is slipped under them. Despite this hardy nature in the water they do not cope well out of the water, and must be returned safely and quickly. It is good practice to support the fish in the water until it is fully recovered and swims away on its own.[4]

Some of the best barbel fishing venues are along the Loddon near Reading. The Severn at Bewdley is a particular hotspot where there are different day ticket and club stretches on both sides of the bank. The current record on the river Severn is 16 lb 11 oz, taken by Kevin Gittins, in November 2014.[بحاجة لمصدر]

Nottinghamshire's River Trent is now being recognised as one of the best venues in the UK since Craig Lander landed an 18 lb 14 oz giant Trent barbel.[بحاجة لمصدر]

The UK Barbel record (21 lb 2oz - 9.58 kg) was landed by Colin Smithson from an undisclosed Sussex river in 2019[5]

انظر أيضاً

  • Genus Barbus All barbels are of the genus Barbus but not all Barbus species are barbels.
  • Barbus barbus The barbel native to England and parts of Europe.
  • Barbel (anatomy) The whiskerlike structures that give the barbel its name.


  1. ^ Bishop, Frederick (1852). "Salt and Freshwater Fish". The Illustrated London Cookery Book. London. p. 158.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  2. ^ "barbel". thefreedictionary.com.
  3. ^ "Common Names of Barbus meridionalis". FishBase.
  4. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-03-13. Retrieved 2011-04-19.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. ^ "Record Breaking Barbel".