منتوحوتپ السابع

منتوحوتپ السابع (نحو عام 1625 ق.م.): على الأرجح هو خامس ملوك الأسرة السادسة عشر، حكم سنة وبضعة أشهر، في طيبة.[2] وكبديل لذلك، يراه يورگن فون بكرات كالملك الخامس في الأسرة السابعة عشر.[4][5] عُثر له على تمثال بهيئة أبي الهول في تل إدفو شمال أسوان.

Seankhenre Mentuhotepi
Montuhotepi, Mentuhotep VII
Drawing of a sphinx of Mentuhotepi, bearing the prenomen Seankhenre between the legs[1]
فرعون مصر
الحكم1 year, 1628-1627 BC [2], الأسرة السادسة عشر أو السابعة عشر
سبقهنفرحوتپ الثالث (Ryholt), Djehuti (فون بكرات)
تبعهنب إيري رعو الأول (Ryholt & فون بكرات)
المدفنunknown, probably in دراع أبو النجا [3]

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Mentuhotepi is attested by a stela from Karnak[2] and a scarab seal of unknown provenance bearing a prenomen variously read Sewahenre, Sewadjenre and Seankhenre. Furthermore, two limestone sphinxes of Mentuhotepi were discovered in 1924 in the ruins of the Temple of Horus in Edfu, one bearing the prenomen Seankhenre and the other the nomen Mentuhotepi.[1][3] Finally, Mentuhotepi is attested in the Turin canon under the prenomen Seankhenre.[3]


The identification of Mentuhotepi has evolved over the years: Jürgen von Beckerath lists Mentuhotepi as a king of the 17th Dynasty under the name Mentuhotep VII and Wolfgang Helck as Mentuhotep VI. The recent reconstruction of the Turin canon by Ryholt established this king as Seankhenre Mentuhotepi.[3]


If Ryholt's identification of Mentuhotepi in the Turin canon is correct, then he took the throne following Sekhemre Sankhtawy نفرحوتپ الثالث and reigned for only 1 year. Mentuhotepi's short reign was probably marked by the constant conflict with the Hyksos kingdom of the 15th Dynasty. At the time, the 16th Dynasty was already in a weakened position and reigned over little more than Thebes itself. In his stele from Karnak, Mentuhotepi emphatically states: "I am the king within Thebes, this is my city"[2] and calls Thebes the "mistress of the entire land, city of triumph". He reports driving back the "foreign lands", probably a euphemism for the Hyksos or possibly for the Nubians.[3] Mentuhotepi's military might is emphasized, the king being likened to سخمت who kills his enemies with his "flaming breath".[3] منتوحوتپ السابع خلفه نب إيري رعو الأول، الذي حكم مصر لأكثر من 25 عاماً.


  1. ^ أ ب Henri Gauthier (1931), "Deux sphinx du Moyen Empire originaires d'Edfou", ASAE 31
  2. ^ أ ب ت ث Kim Ryholt, The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period c.1800-1550 B.C, Museum Tusculanum Press, (1997), pp. 154, 160, 202
  3. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح Darell D. Baker: The Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs: Volume I - Predynastic to the Twentieth Dynasty 3300 - 1069 BC, Stacey International, ISBN 978-1-905299-37-9, 2008, p. 233
  4. ^ Jürgen von Beckerath: Untersuchungen zur politischen Geschichte der Zweiten Zwischenzeit in Ägypten, Glückstadt, 1964
  5. ^ Jürgen von Beckerath: Chronologie des pharaonischen Ägyptens, Münchner Ägyptologische Studien 46, Mainz am Rhein, 1997
نفرحوتپ الثالث
فرعون مصر
الأسرة السادسة عشر
نب إيري رعو الأول
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