مناطق ظل المطر Rain shadow ظواهر تحدث عند اعتراض سلاسل الجبال مجرى الرياح الرطبة، التي تهب على شاطئ البحر. فعندما ترتفع الرياح لتعبر سلسلة الجبال يسقط المطر على السهول الساحلية، ومنحدرات الجبال وتهب الرياح الجافة بعد ذلك إلى داخل اليابسة، مسببة أمطاراً خفيفة خلف سلسلة الجبال. وتُسمى المنطقة التي تقع خلف الجبال منطقة ظل المطر.

An example of a rain shadow.

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أبرز مناطق ظل المطر

The هضبة التبت (أعلى)، ربما كانت أفضل مثال لظل المطر. فالمطر لا يمر لما بعد الهيمالايا، مما يؤدي إلى مناخ جاف في the leeward side of the سلسلة جبال.

تعد المنطقة الشمالية الشرقية، من كوينزلاند بأستراليا، والتي تقع غرب سلسلة الجبال العظمى الفاصلة، من مناطق ظل المطر، حيث تقل الأمطار فيها عن 750ملم في العام. وهناك منطقة أخرى لظل المطر، تقع في ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز، لأن الرياح الشرقية الممطرة لا تصل إلى المنحدرات الغربية منها. وفي أسكتلندا تسبب الأراضي المرتفعة، منطقة لظل المطر، تحجز الأمطار عن المناطق الواقعة إلى الشرق منها.

أمثلة مناطق ظل المطر الشهيرة تضم:


تلال أگاستي‌يامالاي تفصل تيرونل‌ڤلي (الهند) عن monsoons, creating a rainshadow region

أمريكا الجنوبية

  • صحراء أتاكاما في تشيلي is the driest non-Antarctic desert on Earth because it is blocked from moisture on both sides (by the جبال الأنديز to the east and high pressure over the Pacific at a latitude which keeps moisture from coming in from the west).
  • The Argentinian wine region of Mendoza is almost completely dependent on irrigation, using water drawn from the many rivers that drain glacial ice from the Andes. The nearby Chilean wine region of Valle Central on the other hand, is situated on the Chilean side of the Andes and experiences a maritime climate.
  • پتاگونيا is rain shadowed from the prevailing westerly winds by the Andes range and is arid (e.g., in Santa Cruz few spots are capable of cultivation, the pastures being poor, water insufficient and salt lagoons fairly numerous).

أمريكا الشمالية

Most rainshadows in the western الولايات المتحدة are due to mountain ranges, notably the Sierra Nevada and Cascades,[1] that intercept rain and snowfall that would otherwise reach a valley in the lee of the mid-latitude prevailing westerlies.


  • The Pennines of Northern England, the Welsh Mountains, and the Highlands of Scotland create a large rain shadow that covers almost the entirety of the Eastern United Kingdom, with گلاسگو and Manchester for example receiving around double the rainfall of إدنبرة and York respectively. The contrast is even stronger further north, where Aberdeen gets around a third the rainfall of Fort William or Skye. The Fens of East Anglia receive similar rainfall amounts to Seville.[2]
  • The Cantabrian Mountains make a sharp divide between "Green Spain" to the north and the dry central plateau. The northern-facing slopes receive heavy rainfall from the Bay of Biscay, but the southern slopes are in rain shadow. The most evident effect on the Iberian Peninsula occurs in the Almería, Murcia and Alicante areas, each with an average rainfall of 300 mm and the driest spot in Europe (see Cabo de Gata) mostly a result of the mountainous range running through their western side, which blocks the westerlies.
  • Some valleys in the inner Alps are also strongly rainshadowed by the high surrounding mountains.
  • The Plains of Limagne and Forez in the northern Massif Central, France, are also relatively rainshadowed (mostly the plain of Limagne, shadowed by the Chaîne des Puys (up to 2000mm of rain a year on the summits and below 600mm on Clermont-Ferrand, which is one of the driest places in the country).
  • The Piedmont wine region of northern Italy is rainshadowed by the mountains that surround it on nearly every side; Asti receives only 527 mm of precipitation each year, making it one of the driest places in mainland Italy.[3]
  • Athens is shielded strongly by mountains from the strong moisture-bearing winds of the Adriatic Sea and receives only a quarter the rainfall of most of Albania.
  • The Scandinavian Mountains create a rain shadow for lowland areas east of the mountain chain and prevents the Oceanic climate from penetrating further east; thus Bergen west of the mountains receives 2,250 mm precipitation annually while اوسلو receives only 760 mm, and Skjåk, a municipality situated in a deep valley, receives only 280 mm.


  • The windward side of the island of مدغشقر, which sees easterly on-shore winds, is wet tropical, while the western and southern sides of the island lie in the rain shadow of the central highlands and are home to thorn forests and deserts. The same is true for the island of ريونيون.
  • تشكيل جبال أطلس has been deemed at least partially responsible for the climatic change which eventually created the Sahara. There is a strong rain shadow effect to the south side of the mountains.


  • كاليدونيا الجديدة تقع على مدار الجدي، بين خطي عرض 19° و 23° جنوب. The climate of the islands is tropical, and rainfall is brought by trade winds from the east. The western side of the Grande Terre lies in the rain shadow of the central mountains, and rainfall averages are significantly lower.
  • هاواي also has rain areas of the islands being desert, much to the surprise of many tourists.[بحاجة لمصدر] Orographic lifting produces the world's second-highest annual precipitation record, 12.7 meters (500 inches), on the island of Kauai; the leeward side is understandably rain-shadowed.[4] The entire island of Kahoolawe lies in the rain shadow of Maui's East Maui Volcano.
  • In New Zealand is to be found one of the most remarkableقالب:Says who rain shadows anywhere on Earth. On the South Island, the Southern Alps intercept moisture coming off the Tasman Sea. The mountain range is home to significant glaciers and about 6,300 mm (250 in) to 8,900 mm (350 in) liquid water equivalent per year. To the east and down slope of the Southern Alps, scarcely 50 km (30 mi) from the snowy peaks, yearly rainfall drops to less than 760 mm (30 in) and some areas less than 380 mm (15 in).
  • In Tasmania, one of the states of Australia, the central Midlands region is in a strong rain shadow and receives only about a fifth as much rainfall as the highlands to the west.
  • في نيو ساوث ويلز وڤيكتوريا (both states of أستراليا), the Monaro is shielded by both the Snowy Mountains to the northwest and coastal ranges to the southeast. Consequently, parts of it are as dry as the wheat-growing lands of those states.
  • Also in Victoria, the area around Port Phillip Bay is in the rain shadow of the Otway Ranges. The area between Geelong and Werribee is the driest part of southern Victoria: whereas the crest of Otway Ranges receives 2,000 millimetres (79 in) of rain per year, the area around Little River receives as little as 420 millimetres (17 in) annually, which is as little as Nhill or Longreach.

انظر أيضاً

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  1. ^ USA Today. How mountains influence rainfall patterns. Retrieved on 2008-02-29.
  2. ^ http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/averages/7100_1km/Rainfall_Average_1971-2000_17.gif
  3. ^ http://www.weatherbase.com/weather/weather.php3?s=161161&refer=&units=metric
  4. ^ Whiteman, C. David. Mountain Meteorology: Fundamentals and Applications. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-513271-8.

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