التمرد على السفينة باونتي

التمرد على السفينة باونتي، تمرد حدث على ظهر السفينة باونتي التابعة للبحرية الملكية البريطانية في 28 أبريل 1789، وتناولته الكثير من الكتب، الأفلام والأغاني الشعبية. استولى المتمردون بقيادة فلتشر كريستيان على الباخرة بقيادة الكابتن وليم بلاي في المحيط الهادئ الجنوبي. ولقد ألقي الكابتن بلاي و18 ملاحًا من غير المتمردين خارج الباخرة في مركب صغير. في عام 1790، استقر تسعة من المتمردين في جزيرة پيتكيرن، أحضر البحارة معهم 19 بولينيزيًا وهم ستة رجال و12 امرأة وبنتًا صغيرة.

The mutineers turning Lt Bligh and some of the officers and crew adrift from His Majesty's Ship Bounty, 29 April 1789. By Robert Dodd

وبحلول عام 1808 عندما اكتشفت باخرة أمريكية مكان اختباء المتمردين، كان كل الرجال ماعدا جون آدمز، قد توفوا ولكنهم تركوا خمسة وعشرين طفلاً. وفي عام 1856 انتقل الكثير من أهالي پيتكيرن، إلى جزيرة نورفوك.

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تجريدة فاكهة الخبز 1787


ما بعد التمرد

رحلة بلاي

William Bligh in 1814, many years after the events described here.

المتمردون في تاهيتي

آخر رحلات پنادورا

المحاكم العسكرية

حملة شجر الخبز الثانية

المتمردون على جزيرة پيتكيرن

Map showing Bounty's movements in the Pacific Ocean, 1788–1790
  Voyage of Bounty to Tahiti and to location of the mutiny, 28 April 1789
  Movements of Bounty after the mutiny, under Christian's command
  Course of Bligh's open-boat journey to Coupang

تفاصيل المهمة

أحداث المهمة


  • 16 August: William Bligh is ordered to command a breadfruit gathering expedition to Tahiti
  • 3 September: HMAV Bounty launched from the drydock at Deptford
  • 4–9 October: Bounty navigated with a partial crew to an ammunition loading station, south of Deptford
  • 10–12 October: Onload of arms and weapons at Long Reach
  • 15 October - 4 November: Navigated to Spithead for final crew and stores onload
  • 29 November: Made anchor at St Helens, Isle of Wight
  • 23 December: Departed English waters for Tahiti



  • 4 April: Weighed anchor from Huahine
  • 23–25 April: Anchored for provisions off of Annamooka (Tonga)
  • 26 April: Departed Annamooka for the West Indies
  • 28 April: Mutiny on the Bounty. Captain Bligh and loyal crew members set adrift in the Bounty's launch

From this point, Captain Bligh's mission log reflects the voyage of the Bounty launch towards the Dutch East Indies.

  • 29 April: Bounty launch arrives at Tofua
  • 2 May: Bounty launch castaways flee Tofua after being attacked by natives
  • 28 May: Landfall on a small island north of New Hebrides. Named "Restoration Island" by Captain Bligh
  • 30–31 May: Bounty launch transits to a second nearby island, named "Sunday Island"
  • 1–2 June: Bounty launch transits forty two miles to a third island, named "Turtle Island"
  • 3 June: Bounty launch sails into the open ocean towards Australia
  • 13 June: Bounty launch lands at Timor
  • 14 June: Launch castaways circle Timor and land at Coupang. Mutiny is reported to Dutch authorities

Captain Bligh's mission log from this point reflects his return to England onboard various merchant vessels and sailing ships.

  • 20 August - 10 September: Sailed via schooner to Pasuruan, Java
  • 11–12 September: In transit to Surabaya
  • 15–17 September: In transit to the town of Crissey, Madura Strait
  • 18–22 September: In transit to Semarang
  • 26 September - 1 October: In transit to Batavia (Jakarta)
  • 16 October: Sailed for Europe onboard the Dutch packet SS Vlydte
  • 16 December: Arrived Cape of Good Hope


  • 13 January: Sailed from Cape of Good Hope for England
  • 13 March: Arrived Portsmouth Harbor

قائمة الطاقم

الصفحة الأولة من قائمة بلاي للمتمردين - بادئة بفلتشر كرستيان .

طاقم السفينة باونتي في 1788-89
التصنيف الاسم الرتبة حالة
عقيد ويليام بلاي Commanding Lieutenant Acting Purser[1]
Wardroom Officers John Fryer Sailing Master loyal died at Wells-next-the-Sea on 26 May 1817
Fletcher Christian Master's Mate mutinied to Pitcairn; killed 20 September 1793
William Elphinstone Master's Mate loyal died in Batavia October 1789
Thomas Huggan Surgeon died in Tahiti 9 December 1788 before mutiny
Cockpit Officers John Hallett Midshipman loyal Died 1794 of illness
Thomas Hayward Midshipman loyal Died 1798 in shipwreck
Thomas Ledward Surgeon's Mate loyal promoted to Surgeon after death of Thomas Huggan;
presumed lost at sea in sinking of Welfare 1789 but reported to have been ship surgeon on HMS Discovery in 1791 and died several years later
John Samuel Clerk loyal
Warrant Officers William Cole Boatswain loyal
Charles Churchill Master-at-Arms
(Ship's Corporal)
mutinied to Tahiti; murdered by Matthew Thomson in Tahiti April 1790 prior to trial
William Peckover Gunner loyal
Joseph Coleman Armourer loyal detained on Bounty against his will; to Tahiti; tried and acquitted
Peter Linkletter Quartermaster loyal died in Batavia October 1789
John Norton Quartermaster loyal killed by natives in Tofua 2 May 1789
Lawrence LeBogue Sailmaker loyal went with Bligh; arrived safely in England - did join Bligh on the second breadfruit expedition
Henry Hillbrandt Cooper mutinied to Tahiti; drowned in irons during wreck of Pandora 29 August 1791
William Purcell Carpenter loyal
David Nelson Botanist
loyal died 20 July 1789 at Coupang
mustered as
Able Seamen
Peter Heywood Midshipman loyal detained against will on Bounty; to Tahiti; sentenced to death, but pardoned;
aka Roger Byam in novels by Charles Nordhoff & James Norman Hall
George Stewart Midshipman loyal detained against will on Bounty; to Tahiti; killed after being hit by gangway at wreck of Pandora 29 August 1791
Robert Tinkler Midshipman loyal
Ned Young Midshipman mutinied to Pitcairn; died 25 December 1800
James Morrison Boatswain's Mate loyal stayed on Bounty; to Tahiti; sentenced to death, but pardoned
George Simpson Quartermaster's Mate loyal
John Williams Armourer's Mate mutinied to Pitcairn; killed 20 September 1793
Thomas McIntosh Carpenter's Mate loyal detained against will on Bounty; to Tahiti; tried and acquitted
Charles Norman Carpenter's Mate loyal detained against will on Bounty; to Tahiti; tried and acquitted
John Mills Gunner's Mate mutinied to Pitcairn; killed 20 September 1793
William Muspratt Tailor mutinied to Tahiti; sentenced to death, but released on appeal and pardoned
John Smith Steward loyal went with Bligh; arrived safely in England - did join Bligh on the second breadfruit expedition
Thomas Hall Cook loyal died from a tropical disease (probably malaria) in Batavia on 11 October 1789
Richard Skinner Barber mutinied to Tahiti; drowned in irons during wreck of Pandora 29 August 1791
William Brown Botanist's Assistant mutinied to Pitcairn; killed 20 September 1793
Robert Lamb Butcher loyal died at sea 11 October 1789 en route Batavia to Cape Town
John Adams Able Seaman mutinied to Pitcairn; pardoned 1825, died 1829; aka Alexander Smith
Thomas Burkitt Able Seaman mutinied to Tahiti; condemned and hanged 29 October 1792 at Spithead
Michael Byrne Able Seaman loyal detained against will on Bounty; to Tahiti; tried and acquitted
Thomas Ellison Able Seaman mutinied to Tahiti; condemned and hanged 29 October 1792 at Spithead
Isaac Martin Able Seaman mutinied to Pitcairn; killed 20 September 1793
William McCoy Able Seaman mutinied to Pitcairn; committed suicide 1797/98
John Millward Able Seaman mutinied condemned and hanged 29 October 1792 at Spithead
Matthew Quintal Able Seaman mutinied to Pitcairn; "executed" 1799 by Adams and Young
John Sumner Able Seaman mutinied to Tahiti; drowned in irons during wreck of Pandora 29 August 1791
Matthew Thompson Able Seaman mutinied to Tahiti; murdered Apr. 1790 prior to trial
James Valentine Ordinary Seaman died of scurvy at sea 9 October 1788 prior to mutiny

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اكتشاف الحطام

التمرد في الثقافة العامة

Actor Charles Laughton as Bligh in the 1935 version of Mutiny on the Bounty.

سياحة الرحلة

طوابع السفينة باونتي

انظر أيضا


  1. ^ "Bounty's Crew Encyclopedia". Retrieved 8 أبريل 2009.
  • Dening, Greg (26 يونيو 1992). Mr. Bligh's Bad Language: Passion, Power and Theatre on the Bounty. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521383707.
  • Alexander, Caroline (2003). The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty. Viking Penguin. ISBN 0-670-03133-X.
  • Conway, Christiane (2005). Letters from the Isle of Man - The Bounty-Correspondence of Nessy and Peter Heywood. Isle of Man: The Manx Experience. ISBN 1-873120-77-X.
  • William Bligh - Meuterei auf der Bounty, Erdmann Verlag Tuebingen . Description of actual travel logs by W. Bligh, published 1791 and 1793 by Georg Forster and his father in Berlin as "Magazin von merkwuerdigen neuen Reisebeschreibungen"

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