جمهورية أفغانستان الديمقراطية

(تم التحويل من Democratic Republic of Afghanistan)

جمهورية أفغانستان الديمقراطية (Dari: جمهوری دمکراتی افغانستان؛ Pashto: دافغانستان دمکراتی جمهوریت؛ إنگليزية: Democratic Republic of Afghanistan؛ DRA)؛ تغير اسمها في 1987 إلى جمهورية أفغانستان (Dari: جمهوری افغانستان؛ Pashto: د افغانستان جمهوریت؛ إنگليزية: Republic of Afghanistan)، تواجدت من 1978 حتى 1992 وغطت فترة حكم الحزب الديمقراطي الشعبي الأفغاني (PDPA) الاشتراكي لأفغانستان. أتى الحزب للسلطة بانقلاب عُرف بإسم ثورة ثور، التي أطاحت بحكومة محمد داوود خان. خلـَف داوود نور محمد تراقي رئيساً للدولة والحكومة في 30 أبريل 1978. تراقي و حفيظ الله أمين، منظم ثورة ثور أدخلا العديد من الإصلاحات المثيرة للجدل أثناء حكمهما، أبرزها مساواة حقوق المرأة بالرجل، والتعليم الشامل والإصلاح الزراعي. وما أن استوليا على الحكم حتى نشب صراع على السلطة بين أنصار حزب خلق بقيادة تراقي وأمين وأنصار حزب پرچم بقيادة ببرك كارمل. فاز أنصار خلق وطـُهـِّر الحزب من أنصار پرچم. أبرز زعماء پرچم نـُفـوا إلى الكتلة الشرقية والاتحاد السوڤيتي.

جمهورية أفغانستان الديمقراطية (1979–87)
جمهوری دمکراتی افغانستان    (داري)
دافغانستان دمکراتی جمهوریت    (پشتو)

جمهورية أفغانستان (1987–92)
جمهوری افغانستان  (داري)
د افغانستان جمهوریت    (پشتو)

علم أفغانستان
Flag (1987–92)
Coat of arms (1987–92)
النشيد: ملي سرود
"النشيد الوطني"
موقع أفغانستان
اللغات المشتركةداري
الحكومةجمهورية اشتراكية (1978–1990)
جمهورية إسلامية (1990–1992)
انظر النظام السياسي أدناه
الأمين العام 
• 1978–1979
نور محمد تراقي (الأول)
• 1986–1992
محمد نجيب الله (الأخير)
رأس الدولة 
• 1978–1979
نور محمد تراقي (الأول)
• 1992
عبد الرحيم هاتف (الأخير)
رأس الحكومة 
• 1978–1979
نور محمد تراقي (الأول)
• 1990–1992
فضل الحق خالق‌يار (الأخير)
التشريعالمجلس الثوري
الحقبة التاريخيةالحرب الباردة
27–28 أبريل 1978
• تأسيس الحكومة
30 أبريل 1978
28 أبريل 1992
1992647,500 km2 (250,000 sq mi)
• 1992
العملةأفغاني (AFA)
جمهورية أفغانستان
دولة أفغانستان الإسلامية

بعد صراع خلق-پرچم، a power struggle within the Khalq faction began between Taraki and Amin. Amin won the struggle, and Taraki was killed on his orders. His rule proved unpopular within his own country (due to the reforms mentioned earlier)، وفي الاتحاد السوڤيتي. تدخل الاتحاد السوڤيتي، supported by the Afghan government, in December 1979, and on 27 December Amin was assassinated by Soviet military forces. Karmal became the leader of Afghanistan in his place. The Karmal era, lasting from 1979 to 1986, is best known for the Soviet war effort in Afghanistan. The war resulted in large numbers of civilian casualties, as well as millions of refugees who fled into Pakistan and Iran. The Fundamental Principles, a constitution, was introduced by the government in April 1980, and several non-PDPA members were allowed into government as part of the government's policy of broadening its support base. Karmal's policies failed to bring peace to the war-ravaged country, and in 1986 he was succeeded as PDPA General Secretary by محمد نجيب الله.

Najibullah pursued a policy of National Reconciliation with the opposition, a new Afghan constitution was introduced in 1987 and democratic elections were held in 1988 (which were boycotted by the mujahideen). After the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the government faced increasing resistance. 1990 proved to be a year of change in Afghan politics: a new constitution was introduced, which stated that Afghanistan was an Islamic republic, and the PDPA was transformed into the Watan Party, which has survived to this day as the Democratic Watan Party. On the military front, the government proved capable of defeating the armed opposition in open battle, as in the معركة جلال أباد. However, with an aggressive armed opposition, internal difficulties, a failed coup attempt by the Khalq faction in 1990 and the فض الاتحاد السوڤيتي، the Najibullah government collapsed in April 1992.

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ثورة ثور وتراقي: 1978–1979

محمد داوود خان، رئيس جمهورية أفغانستان من 1973 حتى 1978، أطيح به أثناء ثورة ثور (ثورة أبريل) إثر وفاة مير أكبر خيبر، a Parchamite politician from the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) who died under mysterious circumstances.[1] حفيظ الله أمين, a Khalq, was the coup's chief architect.[2] نور محمد تراقي، the leader of the Khalqists, was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the المجلس الثوري, Chairman of the Council of Ministers and retained his post as General Secretary of the PDPA Central Committee.[3] وتحته كان ببرك كارمل، the leader of the Parcham faction, as Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Council[4] and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Amin as Council of Ministers deputy chairman[5] and Minister of Foreign Affairs[3] and Mohammad Aslam Watanjar as Council of Ministers deputy chairman.[6] The appointment of Karmal, Amin and Watanjar as Council of Ministers deputy chairmen proved unstable, and it led to three different governments being established within the government; the Khalq faction was answerable to Amin, the Parchamites were answerable to Karmal and the military officers (who were Parchamites) were answerable to Watanjar.[7]

أمين والتدخل السوڤيتي: 1979

حكم أمين أفغانستان لمدة 104 يوم

عهد كرمال: 1979–1986

نجيب الله والانسحاب السوڤيتي: 1986–1989

نجيب الله يقلـِّد جندي سوڤيتي

السقوط: 1989–1992


النظام السياسي


شعار PDPA
علم PDPA

الرموز: العلم والشعار

The flags of Afghanistan during PDPA rule
The emblems of Afghanistan during PDPA rule

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