قبرص تدعو أغنى أثرياء مصر لحفل حيث تضربهم علقة موت

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مساهمات حديثة أخرى

اجعل هذه الصفحة أفضل بتحريرها.
نجيب ساويرس ومصريون آخرون في الحفل في 29 سبتمبر 2016، في آيا ناپا، قبرص.

السيدة إيناس جوهر (لا أعرفها) تحكي عن حفل كبير في نادي (من النوع الذي له باونسرز) في قبرص، تحت رعاية الرئيس القبرصي، أنستاسيادس، لإطلاق مشروع مرسى يخوت وفنادق ينشئه نجيب ساويرس في الطرف الشرقي لقبرص، دُعي إليه عدد كبير من النخبة المصرية. المصريون سافروا يوم الخميس الماضي على طائرة تشارتر. وما أن اكتمل الحضور حتى وصل مجموعة من البلطجية، بنفس الزي، وانتقوا المصريين ليضربوهم علقة عمرهم. أنا لا تعنيني التفاصيل الشخصية، ولكن ما يهمني هو البعد الدولي المحتمل للحادث.

هناك ثلاث احتمالات كبار:

  1. مفاوضات إستيراد وإسالة الغاز الذي استولت عليه قبرص من مصر (في 2003) لا تتقدم بنحو مرضي لقبرص.
  2. ميخائيل فريدمان (صبي بوتن) زعلان من مصر أو/و من ساويرس، والعلقة كانت "قرصة ودن" من المافيا الروسية. فريدمان اشترى أوراسكوم للاتصالات من ساويرس واشترى ثلث حقول الغاز البحرية المصرية، وذلك بشرائه شركة DEA الألمانية. كما يسيطر فريدمان على القطاع المصرفي (الرسمي وغير الرسمي) في قبرص.
  3. بلطجة عالية المستوى لفرض خوة على مشروع ساويرس الجديد.

هل سيؤثر الحادث على قمة الكالاماتا الرابعة التي ستنعقد في نوفمبر 2016 في القاهرة بين مصر وقبرص واليونان؟

نص منشور طارق الألفي

أسئلة كثيرة عن مشروع نجيب ساويرس الجديد في قبرص وعن حفل انطلاق المشروع آيا نابا Ayia Napa الذي دعا له الكثيرين من مصر وعن حادث الضرب الذي أصاب نجيب نفسه و بعض المدعوين .

فهاهو الموضوع و تفاصيله حسب ما شاهدت بدلا من آلاف المكالمات و الرسائل التي تلقتها الأمس واليوم.

من حوالي شهر وصلني أكثر من دعوة من أكثر من شخص يدعونني لحضور الاحتفال المقام ب Ayia Napa بقبرص و الدعوة تشمل الإقامة ٣ ايام و الطيران. عادة تكون هذه الرسائل هي خدعة أو Spam و لكن بعدها فورا اتصل الداعون لياكدوا الدعوة وأكد لي قريب لنجيب كنت قد نوهت له عن "الخدعة واستخدام اسم نجيب في الخدعة" أن الموضوع حقيقي وليس خدعة.

وصتلني الدعوة الرسمية مع هدية لطيفة على عنواني ووجدت بعض الأصدقاء قد وصلهم نفس الدعوة و وجدتها فرصة لطيفة لقضاء ويك إند بحفلة وسط مجموعة من المصريين و التعرف أيضا على ما يقوم به مستثمر كبير مصري في قبرص والتعلم من الفكرة وتنفيذها وإدارتها بل وإدارة الدعوة و الرحلة ذاتها.

سافرنا الخميس على طائرة خاصة و التنظيم كان جيد جدا. تم توزيع المدعوين على أكثر من فندق لأن هذا وقت ذروة أو موسم و لم يكن متاحا إنزال كل المدعوين في نفس الفندق. ولذا كانت الفنادق متباينة في المستوى جدا مما أثار البعض بالاستياء من مستوى الفندق.

كان نصيبنا في فندق خمس نجوم و في أعلى مستوى من الغرف King Suite مما جعل الرحلة أكثر فخامة و فاخرة و فتح باب "النق والحسد" علينا.

ويوم الوصول الخميس وبعد دخول الفندق كان هناك عشاء جماعي رائع استقبلنا فيه نجيب واستمر العشاء حتى الواحدة و النصف صباحا بمطعم رائع على شاطئ البحر.

انتقل بعدها البعض إلى وسط المدينة لتكملة السهرة والمنطقة معروفة بالسهر يوميا لصباح اليوم التالي.

وصباح اليوم التالي استيقذنا و علمنا من الجرائد بل و أصبح حديث المدينة .. الخناقة و ضرب المدعوين في البار الذي ذهب له المدعوين مع نجيب ساويرس لاستكمال السهرة بعد العشاء.

و ما حدث هو الآتي : وقف بعض المدعوين على الكراسي مما يحدث عادة مع الموسيقى و الرقص و لكن هذا السلوك لم يعجب القائمين على المكان و طلبوا نزولهم من على الكراسي و الكنب و بطريقة غالبا غير لائقة.

واعترض نجيب أن ذلك غير لائق و أن الهدف تمضية وقت لطيف و طلب من مشرف المكان أن يعتذر الجرسون عما بدر منه لضيوف نجيب ولكن الجرسون لم يتقبل ذلك بل تطاول و دفع نجيب و في غضون ثواني تطور الموقف إلى ضرب بالأيدي و بكل شئ حولهم و قام الأمن أو "الباونسرز" باجسامهم الكبيرة بالضرب بالعصي و الأيدي و إصابة الكثير تطلب معه نقل البعض للمستشفى للتضميد و لعمل غرز و تركوا المكان مليئا بالدم. تم أيضا سرقة متعلقات البعض من موبايل و ساعة و جزمة و ما إلى ذلك و تم إعادة غالبيتها بعد ذلك.. و انتهت بمحضر من الطرفين كل ضد الآخر.

الملحوظ هنا أن دور الأمن عادة هو إخراج أي مشاغب أو غير مرغوب فيه من المكان و لكن ليس الضرب بل الضرب المبرح Brutality.

بسبب هذه الملاحظة أن الضرب و طريقته كانت غير طبيعية أو منطقية بدأت الكثير من الإشاعات و نظريات المؤامرة تنتشر: ١. اللي مقتنع انهم مأجورين و هدفهم ضرب المشروع و كان مدبرا سلفا.. ٢. و اللي مقتنع أن ده لأن القبارصة ضد المشروع و مش عايزين المصريين ياخدوا أرضهم و يعملوا من وراها فلوس ..قال يعني احتلال مصري.. ٣. و اللي رأيه أن النظام في مصر ضد المشروع اللي بيخرج الفلوس برة مصر و بدل ميحطوا الفلوس في مصر و يساعدوا البلد... 'ده حتى بيلموا اسامي المعزومين عشان يراجعوا دفعهم للضرائب و ما إلى ذلك'.

أي كلام و كل الكلام... ووصلني رسايل شمتانة أننا اتضربنا و رسايل تسأل عن كل التفاصيل مع انتشار كل الإشاعات في كل الإتجاهات كالعادة في مصر.

المهم رحنا الحفل الرئيسي مساء الجمعة بعد تمضية يوم جميل و منظم على البحر و في الحفل كان المنظر رائع و جميل و بدء الحفل بكلمة مختصرة و محترفة من نجيب عن المشروع و ختمها بشكر للرئيس القبرصي و بوعد بزيادة الاستثمار من أرباح المشروع طوال حياته.. و طبعا و بذكاء تناول موضوع الضرب بتريقة أن ده لن يحدث في المكان عنده أو داخل المشروع. المشروع باختصار هو ميناء كبير لليخوت لترسي فيها و لصيانة اليخوت و ملحق بها محلات و مطاعم و برجين سكنيين بهما ١٩٠ شقة و حوالي ٢٠ فيلا يطلوا على البحر. أسعار المشروع عالية مقارنة بسوق العقار في قبرص لكن المفترض أن هذا المشروع لا مثيل له في قبرص لذا لا يمكن مقارنته سعريا مع أي مشروع حالي. و سمعت ان من يشتري بالمشروع يحصل على إقامة مدى الحياة (معلومة غير مؤكدة لكنني سمعتها).

ثم جاءت كلمة رئيس الجمهورية الذى بدء بالاعتذار عن ما حدث في اليوم السابق ثم شكر نجيب على مشروعه و الإستثمار المزعم و رحب بكل المدعوين تلاه العاب نارية Fireworks.

وبدأ الحفل بموسيقى غربية امتدت إلى الواحدة والربع صباح السبت تقريبا حتى طلعت نانسي عجرم. ووصل الحفل إلى قمته عندما غنت نانسي "أنا مصري وأبويا مصري" ورقص معها نجيب مع تعالي أصوات المدعوين بالهتاف. تلاها موسيقى غربية من أحد المشهورين اتجهنا بعدها للفندق و مر السبت سريعا حتى عدنا من ساعات على طائرة خاصة إلى القاهرة.

أترككم للصور و الفيديوهات و أرجو أكون رديت على جميع الأسئلة ووضحت كل ما دار من حقائق بل و أي إشاعات تم تداولها.

نص منشور "إيناس جوهر"


Ines Gohar 2 hrs · I was hit and attacked in Cyprus by Bouncers at SOHO club in Ayia Napa.

My husband and I were invited to join a trip in Cyprus this week end for the launch of a development project in Ayia Napa. We were hosted as indicated on the invite by the international developers who invited us to attend an event “in the presence of H.E The President of the Republic of Cyprus”. We arrived there Thursday evening (sept 29th,2016), went to an organized dinner and then joined everyone else at a nightclub called SOHO in Ayia Napa. Everything seemed fine in the Club, bottles of champagne had been ordered and people were happy and dancing. The DJ had just announced the name of our host on the mic, we cheered, everybody seemed in a party mood… when all of a sudden, we found ourselves in what looked like a war zone. We were many from Egypt in this club, all here for the same reason: this launch, but all of a sudden it seemed like we were in an occupied territory, fighting men in black t-shirts that all looked the same.

My journalistic genes kicked in and I took my phone out to record what was going on. At that point I hadn't realized that it was ONLY bouncers attacking all the Egyptians present in the club, so since some bouncers weren't far from me, securing the entrance of the club, I guess I figured I was in a somewhat secure zone (I was up the stairs that lead to the club and the fight had moved down the stairs in the street). I actually didn't think, I was just looking around and seeing everyone I know being hit so violently, I could see blood and people on the floor and crowds of people going from right to left, screaming, crying, yelling, hurting. So I started filming.

It didn't take long until the bouncers realized what I was doing. One of them jumped on me and hit me and said “no video” and tried to take my phone from me. So I started screaming as loud as I could. I guess I watched enough self defense and security videos who repeat over and over that when you are attacked, you should scream - So I did - but my attackers didn't like that very much, so they jumped on me and hit me everywhere to take my phone away from me. I wouldn't let go of my phone. My phone is not backed up and I have 22.000 pictures and videos on it. You don't take my phone.

But the man kept on hitting and I kept on screaming hoping one of the Egyptians would hear me and come help me, but they didn’t. The Bouncer threw me on the ground, hit me more and put his fingers in my mouth, he hooked my cheek with his fingers from inside my mouth and pulled my face so hard, at this point I let go of my phone. But when one of the two men attacking me took the phone (not sure when the second joined in, by that time I was already on the ground) it fell off his hands so I tried to grab it as I was already on the floor. His colleague grabbed me by my hair, dragged me and hit me in my jaw. I couldn't do anything. I could no longer scream nor move nor do anything. I couldn't feel my face nor body. I just saw the bouncer take my phone and enter the club. I was left right there, the Egyptian men were down in the war zone, I was on the stairs at the entrance of the club faced by my attackers unable to do anything. I didn't leave, I stayed there and kept on begging them to get me back my phone, they kept on telling me to wait. I told them I will unlock the phone and delete the video in front of them but that I needed the many years of pictures that are in my phone. They would talk to each other in languages I don't speak (id say some sort of eastern european language but I'm not sure) and suddenly just all adopted the same strategy: stare at me and repeat: “I DON’T SPEAK ENGLISH”.

The manager of the club eventually appeared playing the role of the “good guy” and trying to make me believe that perhaps the guys who attacked me weren't his men and that he would of course help me get my phone back and that we would clearly see on the surveillance camera who attacked me. They told me to wait. They pretended to check the pockets of customers exiting the club, as if it would be with one of them. I waited and waited until I finally understood I wasn't gonna get anything back. My husband was informed I got hit and when he tried to come to me up the stairs a bouncer kicked him in the face with his foot, my husband has the shoe sole design stamped on his cheek from how hard the kick was… sounds like its Ayia Napa’s latest fashion trend, as we were told there are fights at this club every other day.

By that time the police had arrived, but the police didn't come up the stairs that lead to the club, they didn’t talk to the manager that was just there, they didn't go in to turn off the music, they didn't do anything other than tell us we had to go to the police station and to the hospital. THE POLICE DID NOTHING. So I went to talk to a police officer and told him that I was hit and robbed right under this surveillance camera and that they should go and get it and that everything would show. He told me he couldn't, that he needed a court order to do that and that anyways this video will be deleted immediately by the club. I got in the police car and went to the police station and hospital. This is when I saw how many of us were injured, how many had their heads open and their eyes pepper sprayed and how the attackers used the same strategy: they pepper spray you, you turn around, they hit you with sticks on your head and on ur back. At the hospital I saw more injured egyptians, people being stitched, they were telling one he might loose his eye, another couldn't breath and i’ll spare you the amount of blood I saw that night. I had never seen that much blood in my entire life.

Soon, very soon, I started understanding that all this was out of our hands and that we wouldn't get our rights and that all this was just a masquerade but I decided to leave a deposition anyways. Here are a few facts: 1- The bouncers were about 5 at first and then many others arrived out of no where, like they were just waiting, 2- They all were trained the same way and using the same ways to attack us 3- They all looked the same, super large muscle guys, quite short and ready to fight 4- The police didn't intervene, didn't confront them, didn't close the club, didn't even shut down the music, in fact they just tried to have us leave the premises asap. 5 - The deposition was a joke. They wrote on a piece of paper everything I said happened and concluded they would call me if my phone turned-up. So I told the officer they didn't have my phone number to reach me, so it was added. I asked for a copy of my deposition, the officer said she couldn't give it to me, but my lawyer could later ask for it. So I asked for a reference/file number, she said she didn't have it. 6 - Later in the afternoon the police called us asking us to go back to the club after midnight to point out who hit us. I'm not joking, have you ever heard of something like that?!!!! They wanted us to go back to the club where we were hit and injured and look at the men who did that to us and point them out!!!! Like seriously?!!! All the injured people decided together not to go. They should have been taken to the police station, put behind a tinted window and we would have pointed them out but we will certainly not go risk our lives again. 7- Everybody in the city started explaining to us that it is known Soho is a club where trouble happens.


As it turns out the owner of this club was shot dead in June 2016, just like his father who was shot dead a few years earlier, the owner of the club was the head of many shady businesses, believed to be involved in drug dealing. Some articles refer to him as the head of a mafia group. I also found an article mentioning that the godfather of this man’s son -who also was shot- was a police officer. Here is the link to the article. http://www.cyprusnewsreport.com/…/police-sent-texts-mafia-…/

A little research, the fact my phone that had recordings of the fight was taken away, the fact the surveillance videos weren't retrieved immediately, the fact the police didn’t even enter the club, the fact no one really cared what happened to me, to us, brings me to really wonder why we were attacked? If the bouncers didn't do anything wrong and only defended their property, then my video wouldn't have been a threat, would it?

All this I guess shows the police officer was right when he told me, looking at my swollen jaw: “You are lucky they didn't get the guns out”… but I have a hard time seeing where the luck is. I am frustrated, traumatized, can’t stay home alone, get scared when I hear noise, cry each time I tell the story and can’t sleep. I keep reliving the hits and how these men attacked me. I keep remembering hits I had blocked out. My back hurts, my foot hurts, my jaw hurts but all this will heal. The years of family pictures they took from me are lost forever. The psychological trauma of being hit by men for simply filming what was happening will take time but will also heal so for now I guess I can just share my story with you and hope that voicing it will help me recover. It is too long, there are too many details and I know few will read it all but I can no longer repeat the story over the phone to my loved ones because it is still too painful, so the ones who love me and want to know what happened to me will have to read this book long chapter.

I was the guest of an event in Cyprus involving the president but I received no personalized apology by the authorities, no extra security until I exited the country and all the men that were injured didn't either. We just waited for our charter flight to take us back as there was no earlier flights anyways. And now we just have to heal. I should have called my embassy, perhaps the French would have helped me but I was just too shaken up to think straight.

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