خطأ لوا: Invalid number -813. السنة 814 ق.م. . (الرابط يعرض روزنامة كاملة) من التقويم اليوليوسي. وكان يسبقها سنة 815 ق.م. وتلتها سنة 813 ق.م..

الألفية: الألفية 1 ق.م.
القرون: القرن 10 ق.م. - القرن 9 ق.م. - القرن 8 ق.م.
العقود: عقد 840 ق.م.  عقد 830 ق.م.  عقد 820 ق.م.  - عقد 810 ق.م. -  800s ق.م.  عقد 790 ق.م.  عقد 780 ق.م.
السنوات: 817 ق.م. 816 ق.م. 815 ق.م. - 814 ق.م. - 813 ق.م. 812 ق.م. 811 ق.م.
814 ق.م. حسب الموضوع
زعماء الدولالدول ذات السيادة
تصنيفات المواليد والوفيات
تصنيفات التأسيسات والانحلالات

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حسب المكان



  • قرطاج (قرت حدشت، أي "المدينة الجديدة") يؤسسها مستوطنون فينيقيون من صور (قي ما هو اليوم لبنان).,
    the presence of an establishment Phoenician on the site at the end of the viii th century BC. AD is confirmed by archeology ( tophet of Salammbô ) 3 . According to legend, the queen of Tire Elyssa ( Dido ) founded the city on a former Phoenician colony. Elissa would have fled Tire after the assassination of her husband Sychée , king of Tire, by her own brother Pygmalionwho proclaims himself king. Arriving on the coast of Africa, she asks African chefs as much land as an ox skin can hold. Cut into thin strips, the skin forms a perimeter large enough to contain the future colony. She established contacts with the Utica colony . Some time later, an indigenous king, Hiarbas , asks Elissa to marry him. As she has sworn to remain faithful to her dead husband, she tries to buy time, but three months later, not being able to postpone her answer, she is burned alive at the gates of Carthage 4 . From that date until the Roman occupation, she was honored as a goddess. Another tradition reports that she would have sacrificed herself out of desperation of love, her lover, the Trojan princeAeneas , who had escaped the sack of Troy , having abandoned her 5 . During the first centuries of its history, Carthage paid a tribute to Tire on the occasion of the feast of Melkart , as well as to the Africans who ceded its land to it.



حسب الموضوع



