اللاجئون السودانيون في مصر

يوجد عشرات الآلاف من اللاجئين السودانيين في مصر, هاجر معظمهم نتجية للصراعات المسلحة الواقعة في السودان. ويعاني هؤلاء اللاجئيين من أوضاع تمييز وعنف من جانب الشرطة. ويوجد عدد كبير من المهاجرين السودانيين بمصر يتجاوز عددهم 2 مليون مهاجر وحسب التقديرات (من 750.000 إلى 4 مليون يعيشون في مصر). ويرى مكتب الأمم المتحدة لشئون اللاجئين أن العدد الفعلي للسودانيين اللاجئيين في مصر يتعدى ذلك الرقم بكثير ولكن لا يرون فائدة من الإعتراف بالرقم الحقيقي.

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الحالة القانونية

الصراع مع السلطات

"الأيام السوداء"

احتجاجات المهندسين

أحداث المهندسين 2004

An August 2004, Sudanese refugees, backed by the Egyptian non-governmental organisation SOUTH, mounted a protest against the issuing of yellow cards outside the UNHCR office. Police and security officers arrested and dispersed refugees with tear gas.

In October to December 2005, some 2,000 people participated daily in a protest camp in a park at a busy intersection in front of Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque. The camp had been formed on September 29, 2005 by several dozen people who organized with Refugee Voices, a Sudanese refugee group. The Cairo office of UNHCR closed indefinitely in mid-November, after saying it was forced by the sit-in to suspend operations in October.[1] In the early hours of Friday, December 30, 2005 police raided the camp and clashes ensued in the presence of TV cameras and the press. They dragged the refugees across the street, pulled women from their hair and pushed the elderly carrying newborn babies. Refugees were put in public transit busses to be transferred to central security force camps in different locations in Egypt in addition to taking some of them to State security intelligence offices. Many of those taken to the camps suffered fractures and injuries and lack any medical help.[بحاجة لمصدر]

At least 28, and as many as 100, Sudanese migrants seeking refugee status were killed. At least one committed suicide in the wake of the raid.(FMRS 2006:37-38) The camp was forcibly dismantled and 2,174 protesters were detained. (AFP) The opposition Muslim Brotherhood condemned the raid.(Nkrumah 2006)

Shortly after the arrests, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry announced it would depart 645 of the arrested people as "illegal immigrants." In late January, the government agreed to allow the UNHCR to perform a status determination on those it wishes to deport. 165 refugee card holders were released from custody. 485 remain in custody at Al-Qanater Prison, Abu Zaabal Prison, and Shebeen Al-Kom and other detention centres.[2]


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